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  1. Oneiroi


    Yup, for water definitely, and this should be true for wort as well, as long as the OG is the same at both volumes. Because OG affects how effectively IBUs are extracted from hops, if your two volumes have different OGs (say because the larger volume is made by topping off the smaller wort...
  2. Oneiroi

    Beermkr all in one system - Thoughts?

    It's kind of a novel concept, and at £250 is cheaper than I thought it would be after reading through. It'll be interesting to see once the first set of reviews come in how people rate the beer. Personally couldn't justify the cost for a 4L system but if it works, I could see how it would be a...
  3. Oneiroi

    Off beer

    Welcome to the forum! acheers. Unfortunately the only thing I know of that causes vinegar flavours is an infection of Aceto bacteria, although other forumites might know of other sources. One sachet of yeast for 48 litres does sound like a bit of an underpitch, although I'm not sure if this...
  4. Oneiroi

    October Competition - Dark Beers

    I know it's not quite October yet, but I thought I'd get this rolling early to give all you busy people a good chance athumb.. October is dark beer month and if contestants are happy, I'll take it fairly literally and throw it open to any beer dark in colour, from stouts and porters to BIPAs or...
  5. Oneiroi

    CO2 Cylinder nut size

    :( I ordered an almost identical model, but haven't got a gas bottle to try it on yet. The ad describes it as W21.8 but I tried to fit it to an old co2 fire extinguisher, which I read had the same thread type, and had the same problem as you. What kind of nut were you going to order? something...
  6. Oneiroi

    First BIAB Should I Make A 5 Gallon or 10 Gallon Batch?

    I'm sure that could work, although you'll probably want to find a way to set up the bags so that water can move fairly freely in and out of them. I'd imagine if you bunched them at the top and hung them it might squeeze/compact the grain a bit and hurt your efficiency? Whatever you chose to do...
  7. Oneiroi

    First AG is go... :)

    It'll be well worth the wait acheers. What ratio of MO, flaked and roasted barley did you end up with?
  8. Oneiroi

    Trub help, please.

    This was an interesting read on the subject: Especially re clarity. They would be the first to point out that one data point doesn't prove much, but I'd hazard the conclusion that a) the effects are complicated and b)...
  9. Oneiroi

    Temperature themometre

    If you want to do this make sure you check the rating on the relays relative to your boiler element. I planned to do this but the 308 is only rated for 10A which means I can't use it as is with the 2.4kw elements in my pot.
  10. Oneiroi

    Brainstorming brew fridge ideas

    This did give me a bit of pause for thought, just because I've been tending to try and ferment my ales at about 17-18c (having found very unscientifically that they seemed better) so assuming active fermentation can add a few degrees, I figured I'd need cooling to ferment indoors in a flat (no...
  11. Oneiroi

    A tragic tale!

    It's definitely a bit of a fuzzy subject, but the article is talking specifically about sexual attraction in gay people, rather than just admiring someone. The next paragraph also contains: "typically, the age of first homoerotic fantasy was 11.2 for males and 11.9 for females." I do take your...
  12. Oneiroi

    A tragic tale!

    According to this paper (or at least the studies it quotes) that's about the average age for children to experience same-sex attraction for the first time: "As these studies have shown, first same-sex attraction for males and females typically occurs at the mean age of 9.6 for boys (Herdt and...
  13. Oneiroi

    The Sun beer tasting guide - sponsored by Carling

    Hah very true, the worrying thing is right now I don't know which I would enjoy more. I need to stop buying beer whilst drunk.....athumb..
  14. Oneiroi

    The Sun beer tasting guide - sponsored by Carling

    I just bought a bottle of the Thornbridge Love among the ruins (for a tenner admittedly), be interested to see how my tasting notes compare! It did win gold in the beer world cup a couple years back so someone obviously thinks it's a decent drop
  15. Oneiroi

    The mind boggles.

    Given that the experiment consisted of printing a few photos and showing them to goats I'm guessing not a lot of time and money :laugh8: I have to admit, to me a simple experiment looking at how animals recognise emotion seems like a fairly legitimate scientific experiment. I might be mad...
  16. Oneiroi

    Imp Stout Adjuncts/Flavourings

    20l of base beer is 1 week in FV, I think I'll give it another week before splitting and adding adjuncts. First time brewing such a big beer on my kit and competely misjudged it, ended up with an awful efficiency of about 55% so more likely to be a 7% rather than the originally planned 8-8.5%...
  17. Oneiroi

    Brainstorming brew fridge ideas

    Can't believe I didn't think of that haha :doh: Edit: Think the bottom one would support the weight of a another fridge full of heavy kegs?
  18. Oneiroi

    Brainstorming brew fridge ideas

    So I'm 1 year and 16 brews into my brewing adventure, and thinking it's time to start looking at a brew fridge. I've thought through a few different options to fit my needs and have landed on a bit of an odd idea, I'm not sure if it's a good solution to my needs or just stupid :tinhat: Some...
  19. Oneiroi

    Coconut stout

    I've seen a few coconut IPA recipes recently and they all seemed to add packaged toasted coconut flakes at the end of the boil and then another load with their dry hop. MM has a coconut shy-pa recipe kit that uses about 200 grams at each step...
  20. Oneiroi

    Another - The world has gone mad thread.

    To be fair they shouldn't have called it that, to be called suicider the ABV should have been at least in double digits :tinhat: