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  1. wfr42

    Home Brew Competition - August 17

    Cheers stigman. The blue cap was the maple bourbon porter based on the gh vanilla bourbon recipe.
  2. wfr42

    Boiler advice.

    It was my Birthday this week but I went for one of these based on recommendations of others in a Facebook group.
  3. wfr42


    I really enjoyed the youngs mocha porter, and all the other youngs two can kits. Good luck with whatever you choose. A demi John can be a good way to tweak or dry hop a small part of your brew if you want to dabble in experimenting.
  4. wfr42

    Home Brew Competition - September 17

    Will happily sample and review whatever I'm sent. I may have missed a final discussion but thought the consensus was a focus on feedback rather than best of a certain style as we all like different things from our beer. Was planning to judge in a similar format to the UK smash off and using...
  5. wfr42

    Stout I did this about this time last year and left (most of ) it till Dec. The grain bill was good base for a black ipa too :-)
  6. wfr42

    galaxy & cascade pale ale

    To date I have used no more than 200g of oats in a 5kg pale malt mash. If you have anything cheaper than cascade or galaxy I would use 10g (or the AA equivalent) of that rather than your expensive hops.
  7. wfr42

    Priming Help Required

    What you have above is what I did when I primed with maple syrup (which worked well for priming). Not sure how much flavour will be left from your syrup, especially as it mostly sugar but would be worth a try (and the wilko kit experiment sounds good for the future!). i would probably add it...
  8. wfr42

    Cost of an AG?

    Think my cheapest has been my (back to back brews of a) pilgrim smash. 10kg of grain - about £8 when bought in bulk 100g of hops - £2.20 1 pack of yeast £2.35 (reused) £12.55 for 80 bottles, just over 15p per bottle. Most expensive has been where I have added extras like cacao...
  9. wfr42

    Home Brew Competition - September 17

    Happy to judge! Had my first address request (which has prompted me to get my August entries out!)
  10. wfr42

    A new setup for the monthly comps

    Sounds good, still up for judging September too!
  11. wfr42

    Brew day to drinking in two weeks. How to?

    My golden ale was pretty good at 2 weeks - but got much better. 5kg pale malt 60mins 20g pilgrim (or something else similar aa wise) 10mins 10g pilgrim (plus Irish moss) 5mins 10g pilgrim 0mins 10g pilgrim Rehydrated s-04 yeast chewed through mine in a week and I initially had this...
  12. wfr42

    Grainfather upgrade worth it ?

    Having the element on my peco burn the wheat beer I did yesterday, and the element is tarnished despite scrubbing all the black crud off it, I am debating whether to buy a new element (after 12months of use, but not sure why yesterdays brew got burnt) or upgrade my peco boiler (which I have been...
  13. wfr42

    Glass demijohn 5 gallon x 2 required

    Whereabouts are you? I have 2 that I haven't used that you could have. I'm in Edinburgh.
  14. wfr42

    Bottle condition time?

    Try and wait as long as possible for the first one as you only have a gallon. Most importantly get your next brew fermenting ASAP =P
  15. wfr42

    Pension age up to 68

    At 37 I had resigned myself to 68 already (and wary of another change before I reach that). If I can get a promotion soonish, I will be putting away all of the pay rise to try and retire earlier.
  16. wfr42

    Very slow fermentation

    I've found us05 to be slower than so4 and that it holds it krausen for a long time. Iirc I normally dry hop around day 10 of 14 the krausen has mostly dropped.
  17. wfr42

    ag systems...

    In theory "true" biab is a no sparge method where you mash in the full volume. The peco is a little small so I mash in about 25 litres and dunk sparge in about another 10litres in a 2nd fv.
  18. wfr42

    ag systems...

    +2 Think us biabers have pointed you towards the peco starter kits.
  19. wfr42

    Hop addition times are hocus, aren't they?

    My default is about half the ibus from the 60m bittering and then the other half spilt over 10 5 and flame out additions (and then match those hops with the same sized dry hop...)
  20. wfr42

    Tub for malt I picked up one of these and had room for speciality grain too. Old fv work well too. Some places send 5x5kg bags which I found really helpful.