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  1. dpile1

    Request for a Mead recipe

    Well I've started the Mead exactly as was written in the original post although I did add a tiny bit of leftover Strawberry juice from another wine which I thought would be nice. I had to spread the finished product over two demi-johns as I'd make a little too much. This also gave me the...
  2. dpile1

    Request for a Mead recipe

    Tony, That's a superb post, I shall definitely give it a go (although on a 1 gallon scale). Thank you very much. :cheers: Darren
  3. dpile1

    Request for a Mead recipe

    Hi chaps & chapesses, Has anyone got a tried and tested mead recipe they'd like to share? I've always wanted to have a crack at some mead but would like a recommendation on a good recipe before I do. Happy to have stuff (like fruits or spices) in it too if that's what you guys have made before...
  4. dpile1

    California Connoisseur Pinot Noir Kit

    Hi all, I've done quite a few California Connoisseur over the last few months and they've all been quite good. I can highly recommend the Valpolicella, it's really really good. My Pinot Noir is coming up to the end of the fementation. In a few days I'll be adding the campden stuff and the...
  5. dpile1

    Synthetic Cork Suppliers?

    Hi all, Can anyone point me in the direction of an online supplier of synthetic corks? After many years of dealing with leaking natural corks which also love to disintegrate, I've had enough and have decided that (if I can get them) I'm going synthetic. 8-) Anyone know of a supplier? Darren
  6. dpile1

    How to make Elderberry Wine

    An excellent thread! I set my own elderberry concoction going around a month ago and even though it's pretty much finished fermenting it tastes absolutely awful. But as with most country wines and in particular elderberry, it's a completely different wine after a year. :-) If you make...
  7. dpile1

    California Connoisseur Pinot Noir Kit

    Hey all, I've just bought the California Connoisseur 6 bottle Pinot Noir kit and was wondering if any of you guys had tried this one? If so, what was it like? I really like Burgundy wines and am hoping that this kit'll be reminiscent of something like them - but we'll see. :pray: Darren
  8. dpile1

    help please

    If the bubbling has slowed down considerably from when you started it and there's a decent amount of sediment, then I'd rack it. :)
  9. dpile1

    Wine from just supermarket grape juice???

    For methodology, this is an excellent post / thread by Moley and is well worth a read: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=3532 If you're after a recipe for one gallon of wine from just red grape juice then here we go: 4 litres of Red Grape Juice like so: ...
  10. dpile1

    The Haul

    :thumb: PS. Mosh - did you get my PM? Not sure if it has actually sent as it's in my 'outbox' but not in my 'sent items.......' :wha:
  11. dpile1

    The Haul

    Excellent haul! :thumb: Sinner!!!!!!!! ;)
  12. dpile1

    plums/cherry plums in abundence

    I've just set some Plum Wine going today. Although as an experiment I've replaced a litre of water for a litre of red grape juice. We'll see how it goes. :pray:
  13. dpile1

    demijohn problems

    I've always gotten mine from 'down the dump'. I've never had any problems with the glass ones ever. I've also got a couple of brown glass ones too which must be 15yrs old (so I've been told), and have had God knows how many previous owners. Weird.
  14. dpile1

    Rowanberry wine

    There's loads of Rowan around here. Whenever they build a new housing estate around here (which they do a lot), they plant Rowan. I doubt I'll be brave enough to do this one though.....Has anyone made Rowan Wine with good results?
  15. dpile1

    elder berrys or lack off

    I planned on absolutely pillaging the local bushes and such for berries this year. You guys have got me worried that I might have left it a little late. Although I have just been and picked a whole load of plums which were ripe today and, taking inspiration from this site, used grape juice in...
  16. dpile1

    Wine from just supermarket grape juice???

    Thanks for the help :thumb:
  17. dpile1

    Wine from just supermarket grape juice???

    Hopefully I'd be able to get away without adding sugar too. Has anyone tried this? Would anyone make it again?
  18. dpile1

    Wine from just supermarket grape juice???

    Thanks for the tip. I was gonna use just grape juice and no water at all. Hopefully it'll be ok. :thumb:
  19. dpile1

    Wine from just supermarket grape juice???

    Ah didn't realise that, thanks for the tip. Usually I add lemon juice to non-acidic wines, wonder if that'll be alright......
  20. dpile1

    Wine from just supermarket grape juice???

    Anyone ever made wine from just grape juice from a supermarket? I was thinking of running a batch of red grape juice through the process but wondered if you guys have ever done this and what you thought of the final result? Is it nice? Ok? Eurgh?