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  1. svenito

    Schnee Weizen - First wheat success

    And here's the label I designed for this one
  2. svenito

    Schnee Weizen - First wheat success

    That is correct. It's just what I called it because it was snowing while it was in the FV. Also a play on Snow White. With Weizen sounding a bit like Weiss which is German for white, and the German for Snow White being Schnee Witchen As for style, it's just a hefeweizen
  3. svenito

    Schnee Weizen - First wheat success

    Sorry, missed that off. ABV 5.5% OG 1.055 FG 1.010 (Bit dry, but I prefer that to a sweet Weizen) Fermented at 18C Carbed to 3.0 volumes
  4. svenito

    Schnee Weizen - First wheat success

    This is my first non dunkel that was a success. It tastes great. I'm very pleased with it. Here's the recipe FERMENTABLES 1.3 kg - German - Pilsner (40.6%) 1.6 kg - German - Wheat Malt (50%) 0.3 kg - German - Munich Light (9.4%) HOPS 8 g - Tettnanger, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.5...
  5. svenito

    How good are Cornelius kegs?

    I was planning on putting a kegerator in our bar-shed but was a bit skeptical about having to go outside each time I wanted a drink. Well BarnBrian, you've just convinced me that it's more of an advantage than a problem. :smallcheers:
  6. svenito

    How to build a stir plate for less than ten quid

    The magnet doesn't extend over the edge I'm afraid. I've got it as centered as possible, but there's always that annoying hum of a clearly off center mass. Maybe I just have to build a soundproof box around it
  7. svenito

    How to build a stir plate for less than ten quid

    I've just replaced the fan on my DIY stirplate but now I've got the whole "centering an odd shaped magnet" issue. Any tips on how to center a hard drive magnet (like a flat kidney bean) so the fan doesn't vibrate so much?
  8. svenito

    Grainmaster etc Vs 3 tier system

    We spoke about this at our last meetup and concensus was that automated systems, while great and easy, take a lot of the fun and experience away. If you want to make beer with minimal hassle, these systems would be great. If you want to get stuck in and be fully hands on, jury rig some kit, and...
  9. svenito

    Safale s-04

    Agreed. If you're not making mistakes, you're not pushing yourself hard enough.
  10. svenito

    Safale s-04

    Whilst stressing wheat strains will produce different profiles, don't deny the yeast all the things, otherwise they'll go on strike. Was on mobile so didn't see the M20 data sheet, but seems like I'll be exercising my heat bar in the fermentation chamber a bit then if I'm fermenting in the...
  11. svenito

    Safale s-04

    Maybe I'll give it another go then. Are you talking around 21c?
  12. svenito

    Safale s-04

    I've made a dunkel Weizen with dried yeast (M20) and a regular Weizen with liquid yeast. I definitely noticed more yeast character in the liquid yeast. However this is a miniscule sample size on two similar but different beers. My reasoning is that liquid yeast might be better if the yeast...
  13. svenito

    Suggested Inkbird Settings

    Excellent. The compressor delay is really there to keep your compressor from cycling too frequently. Compressors don't like to work in short bursts. If you notice that temp does overshoot too much, 5minute delay is also ok.
  14. svenito

    I caught something. Now what?

    Well it certainly doesn't taste awful. There's some sweetness from the wort, and a little sourness in the smell and some bitterness in the aftertaste. Might grow it and see what happens. Finger crossed I make it through the night now :)
  15. svenito

    Bottling Temperature?

    Pretty much my process too. Syphon into bottling bucket from fridge so I don't need to move the FV, add priming sugar, bottle, and wait.
  16. svenito

    I caught something. Now what?

    So I tried my hand at catching some wild yeast about 3-4 weeks ago. It appears I caught something I made a simple 1.030 DME which was lightly hopped. Placed a couple of jars of it in the garden overnight with some muslin cloth on (all boiled for 15 minutes). In the...
  17. svenito

    Rinsing Oxi

    Could well be. The residue incident happened when I left the bottles overnight. So the water cooled. The last batch I did while the water was still warm. Top tip!
  18. svenito

    Rinsing Oxi

    I did one rinse, one vinegar, starsan. Wasn't too bad, but also a one off. Apparently PBW works better in hard water, but I have yet to get over it's price
  19. svenito

    Rinsing Oxi

    Thanks. I used some vinegar and the ball chain and they came out sparkling. I assumed it was calcium from the hard water, could be wrong. I usually leave bottles for an hour or so without any residue. I just assumed I used too much oxi that one time.
  20. svenito

    Batch sparge advice

    I will give this technique a try at some point soon. Sounds good. So there's no 75C mashout?