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  1. BradleyW

    Chilling all grain

    I've just recently switched to no chill, mainly because our cold water just isn't cold enough, except maybe right now in mid winter, and so far no issues. It's my (very limited) understanding that the main period to worry about is when the wort is around 37°, body temperature in other words, so...
  2. BradleyW

    Bottling, sugar and carbonation drops

    Does it matter if it's beer then sugar or sugar then beer going into the bottles?
  3. BradleyW

    Is it just me or is this forum overly socialist

    Without going off on too much of a tangent, what we know as "Spanish" is actually castellano. Spain has several languages.
  4. BradleyW

    Is it just me or is this forum overly socialist

    It's definitely Spanish. Maybe it's the same in Portuguese, there are plenty of similarities in the language. Basically means when someone is being a wind up merchant
  5. BradleyW

    Is it just me or is this forum overly socialist

    In Spain we call these sort of posts "toca pelotas" 😜
  6. BradleyW

    Looking for that WOW factor - am I falling out of love with beer?

    Interesting you went down the less kveik route. I had a fairly poor year, still a newbie mind, but have started using kveik and pretty pleased so far!
  7. BradleyW

    R.I.P Thread.

    Very true, plus we forget how young these guys are. If someone gave me that much money, drugs and women at 20 I'd probably have gone the same way. Most of us would I bet!!
  8. BradleyW

    R.I.P Thread.

    Yeah, as Englishmen we were raised to hate Maradona. But I never could really. Maybe coz I was too young to remember the "hand of God" . A classic example of too much money too young and not having the right people around you! 😰
  9. BradleyW

    Juniper berries

    Me neither, 🤣 I just have a vague recollection of watching something about gin and was sure the guy said it's basically vodka with juniper.
  10. BradleyW

    Juniper berries

    Don't all gins have juniper in them?
  11. BradleyW

    Sanitiser help

    This is what I'm currently using. I suppose it's possible the alcohol evaporates before it kills everything but I haven't had any problems so far (famous last words) and no chemical tastes in my beer either.
  12. BradleyW

    Sanitiser help

    I now tend to spray my stuff with alcohol after a few "band aid brews" which I put down to not rinsing the Oxy properly. Seems to do job and is much cheaper than any of these fancy Sans.
  13. BradleyW

    Stout fermentation

    I'm about to dip my toe in and make my first stout and I think I'll try your mash out method. When you say it makes the salt additions easier do you treat the water the same as you would for a paler beer because the darker grains aren't going in till later?
  14. BradleyW

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    I had this exact problem at the start of my brewing odyssey. I first thought it was the water so switched to bottled water but it kept happening. Eventually I narrowed it down to not rinsing the oxy clean from my bottles properly on bottling day. Now that was sorted I hit a new problem...
  15. BradleyW

    Water Temp Calculations

    Wow! I knew I'd get a thorough answer on here!!! Thanks!! It'll certainly help make chilling less stressful/boring. Other option was of course no chill but still not 100% on that one, especially here in summer when it's scorchio! Thanks again
  16. BradleyW

    Water Temp Calculations

    Great thanks Jim Yeah I'm using kveik at the moment because it's still around 21-22 in my pantry where I keep my FV, so a bit too warm still for your "normal" yeasts. I also used to just top up (liquor back I think is the techy term?) with cold water, but the last brew I did I put some pretty...
  17. BradleyW

    Water Temp Calculations

    Great thanks
  18. BradleyW

    Water Temp Calculations

    Nice one, knew I should've listened in maths more!! Just a quick question, in your post is SG specific gravity?
  19. BradleyW

    Water Temp Calculations

    Nice one! Cheers
  20. BradleyW

    Water Temp Calculations

    Hi all, I have a question regarding chilling your wort to your desired pitching temperature. Is there a calculation to know how much water at a certain temperature is needed to bring your wort down to pitching temp? For example I make small batches and dilute my wort up to around 5l. So, I was...