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  1. Sneedhearn

    When and how...hops

    DME = Dried Malt Extract
  2. Sneedhearn

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    An old favourite of mine this evening from a local brewery...
  3. Sneedhearn

    Open Fermentation and/or Different Fermenter Geometry.

    I'm not sure how they deal with that issue although flies do like rotting organic materials and quite high temperatures like a compost heap so maybe it's just not a suitable environment for them. The brewer did say that they do weekly analysis of the yeast for foreign micro organisms so you'd...
  4. Sneedhearn

    Open Fermentation and/or Different Fermenter Geometry.

    The head brewer reckons that the rapidly created krausen is so thick it creates a seal over the beer...
  5. Sneedhearn

    Open Fermentation and/or Different Fermenter Geometry.

    I found this Get 'Er Brewed tour of Harvey's Brewery interesting throughout but to stay on topic discussion of their open top fermentation method starts at 9:13...
  6. Sneedhearn

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2024

    23L West Yorkshire Bitter 5125 L total
  7. Sneedhearn

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Safe travels. acheers.
  8. Sneedhearn

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    A southern states favourite according to Ray Wylie Hubbard... "Sure does like his Falstaff beer He likes to chase it down with that Wild Turkey liquor He drives a fifty-seven GMC pickup truck Got a gun rack, "Goat ropers needs love, too" sticker And it's up against the wall Redneck Mother...
  9. Sneedhearn

    R.I.P Thread.

    British Blues pioneer John Mayall has passed away aged 90. He introduced many talented musicians to the world with his band The Bluesbreakers including Eric Clapton and Peter Green.
  10. Sneedhearn

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2024

    20L Speidel IPA AG Kit 4931 L
  11. Sneedhearn

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2024

    23L Graham Wheeler's TT Landlord recipe. Total: 4,520 L
  12. Sneedhearn

    Boys toy alert...

    Flies see around 250 frames per second where as we see around 24 frames per second. As you approach the fly it sees your actions in slow motion. It's not a fair fight. :laugh8:
  13. Sneedhearn

    Hi, new member and allotment question

    Welcome aboard. I bought an interesting little book a couple of years ago by two dudes calling themselves Two Thirsty Gardeners... You can find it here: Brew it Yourself: Make Your Own Beer, Wine, Cider and Other Concoctions
  14. Sneedhearn

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    A big ‘un and a wee ’un of Samuel Smith Bitter on an evening out in London… It’s very nice I must say.
  15. Sneedhearn

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Mrs. Sneedhearn and I are sampling a glass of my Aghalee Brown Ale 😂 As mentioned elsewhere the recipe was a TT Landlord clone but I measured the black malt incorrectly and it ended up err... darker than intended. That said it's only been in the keg for 9 days and it is a very drinkable...
  16. Sneedhearn

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2024

    23L of I'm not quite sure what... 😂 It started as a TT Landlord clone but I measured 90g of black malt instead of 60g. So it's gone into the fermenter as if TT Landlord had been reimagined by Arthur Guinness 😂 Total: 2589.5
  17. Sneedhearn

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Trying a drop of my first all-grain brew, a generic IPA all-grain kit brewed just shy of 5 weeks ago. Very pleased over all, a bit hazy and the head looks like soap suds but it tastes pretty good.
  18. Sneedhearn

    R.I.P Thread.

    The legendary Steve Harley of Cockney Rebel has passed away.
  19. Sneedhearn

    What are you listening to tonight.

    You'll catch him at Bert's regularly and also the American Bar. athumb..