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  1. JeffDragon7

    Bread Maker.

    No need for milk powder Chippy, you can add some milk up to maybe 50% of the water maximum. milk, egg and oil make the bread softer, I’ve no idea why bread machines always have milk powder in the recipe, I’ve made my own bread for years and never used it.
  2. JeffDragon7

    Fry Up.

    Almost perfect, but fried bread should be spread with ketchup then the eggs placed on top 👍
  3. JeffDragon7

    Fry Up.

    Millennial 😂
  4. JeffDragon7

    Brew2Bottle Customer Service

    Explains a lot, i ordered a couple of kits, they arrived on time as they always have in the past but I tried using the onscreen chat the message said someone would respond shortly, they didn’t. I emailed my question and no response. they were so good in the past.
  5. JeffDragon7

    New Forum member map. (3-1-2021)

    Pagham, West Sussex PO21 3PN sure I was on there but not showing now
  6. JeffDragon7

    Tom Caxton and John Bull

    Festival father hooks bitter and muntons midland mild on shopping list 😁 moving away from Brew2bottle as nothing in stock, such a shame as they were great
  7. JeffDragon7

    Tom Caxton and John Bull

    Thanks Chippy 🙏
  8. JeffDragon7

    Tom Caxton and John Bull

    35 years or more when I made them, yes airing cupboard and adding plain sugar didn’t help, adds nothing but ABV. a 1.5kg LMEwould have made a lot of difference
  9. JeffDragon7

    Tom Caxton and John Bull

    They’re still crack then 💩 I’m after a good Bitter and a dark mild. Any suggestions 🙏
  10. JeffDragon7

    Tom Caxton and John Bull

    Hi many many years ago I used to brew these kits, it was cheap beer but not very good. However we didn’t know about enhancers and proper additives, basically chucked a bag of sugar in . does anyone brew these kits now and have any recommendations TIA 🙏
  11. JeffDragon7

    Been absent for months but back

  12. JeffDragon7

    Been absent for months but back

    Didn’t leave more not been on for months life caught up with me but things quieter now
  13. JeffDragon7

    Been absent for months but back

    Hi Chippy. I’m still a supporter, renew in June. Hope you’re keeping well
  14. JeffDragon7

    Been absent for months but back

    Spell check or old age 😂
  15. JeffDragon7

    Been absent for months but back

    Just started off the coopers half devil Porter added 500 gm dark spray malt and 750 gm brewing sugar. time to buy some kits 😀
  16. JeffDragon7


    That’s not how you said it you It. You said people don’t take glasses back into the premises as if you meant people drinking outside ( beer garden etc ) not in the street i never mentioned “scousers” and I have never accused someone of something based on where they live. It is a ludicrous...
  17. JeffDragon7


    No scrounging I was willing to pay, usually if you ask people are kind enough to give you stuff, I see no reason to steal things
  18. JeffDragon7


    How does the pink grapefruit compare mate
  19. JeffDragon7

