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  1. nickjdavis

    BrewCon 2023 Comp

    The way its looking I wonder if there were any results announced last night?
  2. nickjdavis

    BrewCon 2023 Comp

    Can anyone see if their entries have been marked as "received"? Mine and someone else I know (sent via different methods) are showing as not received. Just wondering if they simply haven't bothered to mark the beers as received or if there is a potential issue with my entry.
  3. nickjdavis

    Bottle priming a quad

    OG was 1.090 FG was 1.012; 32.2 IBU, 41 EBC Recipe was pretty simple (essentially its the same as in James Morton's book "Brew")... 4.4kg of Belgian Pilsner Malt 4.4kg of Belgian Pale Malt 0.9kg of D-45 Candi syrup 0.9kg of D-90 Candi syrup Northern Brewer for 60 mins to deliver 19.7IBU...
  4. nickjdavis

    Bottle priming a quad

    Carbonation is pretty damned perfect...carbonation should be high but it shouldn't be sharp and fizzy. I would suggest this is "moderately high" but any higher and, along with the alcohol warmth it might have a little bit of unwelcome bite. It is very young though...just less than 2 months in...
  5. nickjdavis

    Bottle priming a quad

    just bottled a Quad a few weeks ago at a rate of 6.8g/L of Dextrose....all went into 330mL bottles that previously held a variety of lagers, Belgian beers, Impy issues. I wouldn't know what it was in terms of volumes of CO2...I just adjust rates based on outcomes of previous...
  6. nickjdavis

    Equipment For Sale Speidel Braumeister BM20 and accessories

    Do you mean if the buyer arranges and pays for the courier? Not inconceivable...I'd have to go and find a suitable box for it and other "packaging materials" to brace it and provide protection. I'd be wary if someone like Evri turned up at my door to collect mind.
  7. nickjdavis

    Equipment For Sale Speidel Braumeister BM20 and accessories

    Still lurking in my garage...really needs to go. £400 for the BM20, stainless immersion chiller and BAC springer filter. Preferably buyer collects from Ipswich but could potentially meet part way, depending on distance.
  8. nickjdavis

    Welsh Nationals 2023

    Well....for an invisible didnt do too badly.:D
  9. nickjdavis

    Welsh Nationals 2023

    parcel force have done themselves proud with their "proof of delivery" of my entry...
  10. nickjdavis

    Is there life on K2-18b?

    Threads merged - Admin. NASA have discovered evidence of homebrewing on other planets... Tantalising sign of possible life on faraway world least...that's the way I interpret the potential discovery of DMS on a faraway planet!
  11. nickjdavis

    Anglian Craft Brewers Homebrew Competition 2023

    Just a quick update regarding postage of prizes... A number of Bronze medals and associated prizes were sent out late last week and should have been received Saturday or early this week. The remaining Bronze medals and Silver medals and associated prizes have just been posted in the last half...
  12. nickjdavis

    BrewCon 2023 Comp

    I've finally committed to throwing three beers at this. One might be a bit young as it only got bottled a couple of hours ago and needs to carb up.
  13. nickjdavis

    Anglian Craft Brewers Homebrew Competition 2023

    Anybody who placed, should have received an email last night, asking to check that their contact address is correct, before I start sending out prizes and medals on Thursday. You don't need to reply to the email...just log in and check your address is correct and amend if necessary. Cheers.
  14. nickjdavis

    Anglian Craft Brewers Homebrew Competition 2023

    All scoresheets now uploaded. Let me know if you have any issues with scan quality. The handwriting I might not be able to help you with...I'm sure the judge in question will be happy to decipher their own drunken scrawl. 😃
  15. nickjdavis

    Anglian Craft Brewers Homebrew Competition 2023

    deleted...seems to be a double post
  16. nickjdavis

    Anglian Craft Brewers Homebrew Competition 2023

    just got home...bloody knackered...its been a long three days....judging 36 beers over that period like i said on the video....sometimes the comments on the scoresheets might come across as unfairly critical....they're not meant that way...they are well meant, with the intention that brewers...
  17. nickjdavis

    Anglian Craft Brewers Homebrew Competition 2023

    five minutes time....on the FB page...sorry about the test...gotta make sure the technology works!!!....and then chnage and use a different tech!!!