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  1. nickjdavis

    BJCP Competition Info 2024

    The page looks similar as it is based on the same competition management software platform. However you need to register separately for each competition.
  2. nickjdavis

    Scottish National Homebrew Competition 2024

    Table 3 and 11 for me. Roll on Sunday afternoon.
  3. nickjdavis

    Scottish National Homebrew Competition 2024

    mine got delivered by Parcel Farce late this proof of delivery image though.
  4. nickjdavis

    Scottish National Homebrew Competition 2024

    Must remember to box my beers up this evening ready for posting in the morning. Lets see if we can keep the Scottish National title here in East Anglia for a third consecutive year!!
  5. nickjdavis

    Belgian beer, is it all it's cracked up to be?

    Far from it. Belgian recipes are largely simple affairs that often only involve a couple of malts and some simple sugars, but they derive their rich and varied character from yeast and fermentation profile.
  6. nickjdavis

    Help me fix my homebrew.

    Was a 25L brewlength, targeting 20IBU with an OG of 1.042 (i.e. a Bitterness Ratio of 0.48 IBU/SG). With very low or medium low AA hops, you may find yourself having to put lots of hops in the boil...something that may have detrimental effects to the long term stability of the beer or even on...
  7. nickjdavis

    Alder smoked malt?

    The normal Schelnkerla Rauhbier is decent enough, the Smoked Weizen has a little more character. The Eiche Oak Smoked Dopplebock is superb, as is the Fastenbier and my most recent tasting, the Weichsel Rotbier. Have some bottles of the Erle Schwarzbier (Alderwood) on their way to me as i type...
  8. nickjdavis

    Alder smoked malt?

    So some wood dust like this... Burned in a spiral tray like this (other cheaper versions are available)... Inside a cabinet like this...
  9. nickjdavis

    Help me fix my homebrew.

    Was a 25L brewlength.
  10. nickjdavis

    Alder smoked malt?

    Not common I'm afraid. I've gone and bought my self a cold smoker and smoke my own malt using various flavours of wood dust. Funnily enough the first one I did was Alderwood in a smoked Baltic Porter. Going to try Cherrywood next in an attempt to do a clone of Schlenkerla's Weichsel Rotbier.
  11. nickjdavis

    Help me fix my homebrew.

    @dreaddan I wouldnt say that "PET are really that bad"...but my experience is that you do seem to get more bottle variation than with glass. Yes 2+2+2 is as you describe....sometimes I let my beer sit for three weeks in the FV to let the yeast really clean up. One of the techniques that I...
  12. nickjdavis

    Whats the collective thoughts on these fermenter floating devices?

    Ispindel is cheaper....can be had around £30 to £35
  13. nickjdavis

    Help me fix my homebrew.

    Well....I'm almost certain the comp in question was the Anglian Craft Brewers comp back in early September...and as the comp organiser AND one of the two judges who judged the OP's beer (I have copies of the scoresheets on my desk in front of me and they virtually mirror the op's summary of...
  14. nickjdavis

    Inkbird and maybe stuck brew

    But its not even close to fact its not even 65% attenuation. If I were the OP I'd give the yeast a rouse and give it a couple of extra degrees. However, we don't really know enough about the rest of the brewing process, especially the mash temp (if this is an all grain brew) and the...
  15. nickjdavis

    Why do you brew?

    I brew because it gives me the opportunity to explore and taste different styles of beer that would otherwise be unavailable to me on a commercial basis. I can neither draw, paint, dance or sing but the creation of a beer recipe, tweaking and refining the recipe composition to achieve a...
  16. nickjdavis

    Is this cbc-1 still good to use?

    Its safe. I've used a pack of bottling yeast 5 times without issue....only use a couple of grams in my bottling bucket each time....would be an utter waste to throw most of the pack away.
  17. nickjdavis


    What is the criteria for judging? Is it simply "I enjoy this beer more than the other" or is it "this is a better example of a Rice Lager than this is an example of a Stout" ?
  18. nickjdavis

    Would you swap your all in one?

    Well, yes the rest can still be "modified" away (that's why I described them as minor issues) but if 1 and 2 are the primary reasons then they will still remain after any such "mods".
  19. nickjdavis

    cleaning and storing PET bottles (soda pop bottles)

    1) rinse after pouring beer 2) give a soak in VWP if there is any yeast residue stuck to the bottom of the bottle 3) rinse all VWP out 4) quick squirt of starsan 5) throw in a plastic crate un "capped" When it comes to bottling 1) give a quick rinse in warm water to remove any residue water...
  20. nickjdavis

    Would you swap your all in one?

    Reasons for changing - Like all brewing systems the BM had some limitations/quirks/idiosyncrasies. Some of which could be worked around, some which perhaps linger as mild annoyances. For me I guess there were a couple of reasonably major points... 1...the 6-6.5kg practical limitation to the...