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  1. Baldylocks Brewery

    Mead at less than 40p a bottle.

    Never done mead before but I’ve been thinking about it, any tip on process, yeast etc
  2. Baldylocks Brewery


    Hi David, brewing is brewing. What’s your fav kit?
  3. Baldylocks Brewery

    Chill Haze and Cold Conditioning

    Yep, Looks like the first bottle is clear then clouds over week 1 then reverses over week 2 to clear beer again. Nice photo record 😃
  4. Baldylocks Brewery

    Pot Size.for BIAB

    I also had a 56l (electric) kettle which gave a lot of flexibility for full volume BIAB and low risk of boil overs.
  5. Baldylocks Brewery

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    Hi JB , like Ninja I’m 3or4 brews in and loving it. I’m finding I need to up the water to 34/34litres to hit a 23 ltr fermentation batch but that’s just tuning. I’m also considering adding a hole in the lid so it can stay on while recirculating but not a huge issue. Very happy with the upgrade...
  6. Baldylocks Brewery

    Tea bag squeezing

    I'm with you on the Yorkshire Tea and always in a pot , so no bag squeezing.
  7. Baldylocks Brewery

    What did you brew today?

    Saturdays brew was a brew using 200g of home grown Fuggles and EKG in a pale ale recipe. It was a big higher OG that I thought but I think due to starting 1litre short in water and not compensating for the higher than usual hops quantity. Fozzy’s Finest Home Pale rev1
  8. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Modern hopped English IPA next, lots of grapefruit and orange and looks like pond water 🤣
  9. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Wow right time right place eh! 🍻
  10. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Next up is much better.
  11. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Gutted its oxidised, I wonder how long it was in the shop in Bruges?
  12. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Thank DOJ I’m planning on doing another visit so any tips much appreciated. DeGarre was a great bar with huge beer menu but so much more to explore! What a great beer city 🍻
  13. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Another favourite was Troubadour Magma
  14. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Had a weekender in Bruges and did some wonderful pubs and beers including first try of the much talked about saison benchmark which didn’t disappoint
  15. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Another double pour but cos SWMBO wanted a fruit head to head between the two week bottled Modern English IPA and my Damson Wheat beer. IPA is hopped with Mystic, Olicana and Harlequin. She likes the IPA , which although young is the best IPA I’ve done.
  16. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Low calorie Diet option
  17. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    6% ESB hopped with home grown Fuggles and EKG
  18. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    I’ve got a company paid visit to Brewdog coming up so I’ll dodge that one. Thanks Tess 🍻
  19. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Love the splashback HB
  20. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Hokum Stomp clone next, will do this again