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  1. Baldylocks Brewery

    Footwear for the brewery

    Th at is one of my favourite all time tunes and epic low quality video
  2. Baldylocks Brewery

    Bottle conditioning question

    Thanks Cwrw, that explains why the 5.5% ESB I brewed for Xmas last year was still rough after 4 weeks in a PB at Xmas but it was pretty good by Feb. I’ve not tried a really hoppy brew yet or dry hopping but I’ll bear in mind the limited shelf life of the hop element.
  3. Baldylocks Brewery

    Bottle conditioning question

    Thank you they look just the job 🍻
  4. Baldylocks Brewery


    Hi BB, huge info and experience on this forum and very keen to help which I’ve found brilliant 🍻
  5. Baldylocks Brewery

    Bottle conditioning question

    Good idea Mashbag, I’ve been meaning to get some crates especially as moving lots of bottles in shopping bags is a pain and don’t stack of course. 🤣🤣oh no, secrets out!
  6. Baldylocks Brewery

    Bottle conditioning question

    Ok so I’m way too hasty and need to brew batches well ahead by a month or two at least. And leave some way longer to see what happens so I know for future brews. I guess you seasoned pros plan ahead for most of the years brews and then throw in the spontaneous extras you fancy!
  7. Baldylocks Brewery

    Scalling a recipe to reduce the gravity - hops

    Hi Dreaddan if you want a lower Abv but it’s the same batch size wouldn’t the hop additions stay as is or the IBU, hop taste and aroma will be lower? Unless that needs toning down as well?
  8. Baldylocks Brewery

    Bottle conditioning question

    Do you use dip tube or floating ball?
  9. Baldylocks Brewery

    Bottle conditioning question

    Thanks Obscure, are you talking pressure barrel keg or corny keg with secondary priming for carbonation?
  10. Baldylocks Brewery

    Bottle conditioning question

    Hi All I’ve done around 18x AG brews now and not many repeat brews so a rather random mix with only one that was let’s say a little niche. So very pleased so far. All my brews are 4-5.5% and nothing really out there in recipes or techniques as I’m still learning. Pales, bitters, stouts and a...
  11. Baldylocks Brewery


    I believe that is the usual viewing order for most. 👍
  12. Baldylocks Brewery

    Huge head on latest brew

    Are they chilled as it will calm them a bit. How much priming sugar did you put in each bottle?
  13. Baldylocks Brewery

    Footwear for the brewery

    After reading this thread I feel like I’m a brew away from a foot related disaster brewing in my flip flops. But they are easy to on/off when I’m in and out of the brew room which is usually wet and messy.
  14. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Had a Tim Taylor on the train and now enjoying a Verdant - Even sharks need water Watching the world go by
  15. Baldylocks Brewery

    Noob Mead Guy :)

    Hi GC Welcome aboard, I’ve been thinking about making some mead for a while so would be interested in the recipe and how it turns out
  16. Baldylocks Brewery

    Confused newbie

    Yes, bottling bucket has no trub and you add your sugar so it evenly dispersed in the beer. Then bottle from there.
  17. Baldylocks Brewery

    Fed up with King Keg.

    I’ve got that cap too, great with the pressure gauge (which I may have lost) and you can also use CO2 bulbs with as well as the valve is interchangeable. As long as you grease it and ptfe tape the thread it holds pressure well.
  18. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you reading ?

    Just finished Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks which was grim but good. Currently have How to stop time by Matt Haig as my train book, jury is still out at third way through. Then Under the dome by Stephen king as my bedtime read which has been great. Next up Klara and the sun by Kazuo Ishiguro...
  19. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you reading ?

    Love Neverwhere, I’ve read it twice. You will never look at the London Underground the same again!
  20. Baldylocks Brewery

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    The Duvel cashmere is lovely