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  1. MickDundee

    What does it taste like?

    Doom Bar always tastes like it’s been fermented too warm to me.
  2. MickDundee

    Brew Con World Series V

    Promising the world with this year’s externally organised competition.
  3. MickDundee

    LAB Open 2023

    I knew the moment I tasted it that I’d cocked up 😂. It completely masked the subtle esters from the yeast for starters. First comp I entered it in 20g coriander, told it needed more, second comp 30g, told the same. Instead of just going up 5g at a time I took “inspiration” from a supposed...
  4. MickDundee

    LAB Open 2023

    My hazy oxidised 😞 Really need to get my counter pressure filling sorted - filled the bottles really fill this time out as well! 38 for the witbier. Happy with that. A little to much “lemony coriander herbal spice” which I already knew but the 2 competitions I’d entered previously told me I...
  5. MickDundee

    LAB Open 2023

    You’ll need to wait for them to put them up on the website. I don’t know my scores, just that I got an HM.
  6. MickDundee

    LAB Open 2023

    Honourable Mention for my Witbier for the second year running. Well done @Stu's Brews I see your IPA placed
  7. MickDundee

    LAB Open 2023

    I don’t even know what my entry numbers are, but I can’t see me repeating last year’s success. My witbier is over-spiced (feedback from last 2 comps was that it needed more spice), and Hazy IPA is usually a pretty tough category.
  8. MickDundee

    Nukatap bottle filler problems

    I’ve never had this problem, I find the spring on the purge button pretty strong and it closes easily. Only ever have a problem when I try to be too clever filling one handed and accidentally press the purge button while filling. Sounds like you might have a faulty one?
  9. MickDundee

    Brew Con World Series V

    Rosettes should be available on the day for anyone going to watch the results surely? It all seems very suspicious - he must have been sitting on the prizes for months. I notice the Best of Show prize was supposedly being provided by the organiser’s bottle shop.
  10. MickDundee

    How much do you value repeatability?

    Do you find you spend time obsessing over getting every single detail correct when following a recipe, and meticulously noting everything down, slip-ups etc? Or after some months and years into the hobby do you adopt a more relaxed approach just go with the flow and expect some beers to be...
  11. MickDundee

    Elusive Brewing 7th Birthday Competition

    I could be tempted by this. Need to do a brew for my Homebrew club’s August challenge but I think one of the other beers I have lined up could be perfect for this.
  12. MickDundee

    LAB Open 2023

    I didn’t have tracking on mine just 24hr parcelforce
  13. MickDundee

    LAB Open 2023

    What photo is this? I follow them on Facebook and Twitter but can’t see a photo of entries received.
  14. MickDundee

    Brewuk website "down for maintenance"

    GEB do extract kits with steeping grains and hops:
  15. MickDundee

    Brewfather and Firestick

    The App2Fire app can load apps to your Firestick from Android phone/tablet. I’ve never used it myself but a friend of mine used it to put an unnamed international TV app on mine.
  16. MickDundee

    Gas suppliers

    I use Hobbyweld/Hobbybrew. They aren’t the cheapest (I wouldn’t say they are a rip off either) but have depots/retailers all over the U.K. I have 5 stockists within a 45min drive of my house.
  17. MickDundee

    Sifting out the powder

    Your efficiency will be affected. I know with ready crushed malt it tends to settle to the bottom but it’s part of the malt and there’s plenty of good stuff in there.
  18. MickDundee

    Championship football thread

    Did us a big favour this week. I was convinced our season was over 3 weeks ago and now we are 6th with a playoff place in our own hands! Ironically in what has been one of our most exciting seasons in years, the only match I’ve been to was a 5-1 home defeat to Stoke! Almost 8 hour round trip...
  19. MickDundee

    Ferminator has Melted!!!

    Any excuse for you to have a go at Kegland, even when someone has an issue with something that’s nothing to do with Kegland!