This is how I always did it Foxy until I got he Brewzilla Gen4 and the opinion seems to be to let the mash settle before circulation for 10 minutes so that is what I have been doing.
What is your opinion on this for the Gen4
Very similar to Rwilts
I bring to 2 degrees above mash temp to allow for grain temp drop(i put my grain in a warm room to minimise temp drop) then mash in let it settle for 10 mins and drop the to mash temp and then drop machine heater down to about 45/50% for the mash with re-circ.
Ps I always...
From memory it was 60/70 so a massive increase
Now it is 450 up or down a little virtually no lag time.
I also run 2 mobiles the CCTv and the TV off it all wireless
Thats the router I have.
Ps I was about to buy a new Laptop at the same time as I was having it fitted and as Stu said it is dependant on the hardware. I would not get anywhere near the speeds with my old laptop.