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  1. Bosch

    Chips and ......

    Irish cuisine at its finest
  2. Bosch

    Chips and ......

    Supermacs cheesy garlic fries. Yer only man
  3. Bosch

    Chips and ......

    Cheesy garlic curry chips. Sounds rank.
  4. Bosch

    Kentucky Common

    I haved brewed a couple of Kentucky Commons, I based my recipes on the profile. Will try and dig it up. Recipe looks pretty spot on.
  5. Bosch

    The 'Recommend me a TV series' thread

    Wife is French, might give it a lash
  6. Bosch

    The 'Recommend me a TV series' thread

    Loudermilk on Netflix, really funny
  7. Bosch


    Rory Stewart, former Tory, is a pretty smart dude and is pretty open about his faith. I don't think education necessarily corresponds with intelligence. I reckon the collapse of faith in the west probably reflect the fracturing of societies, increased urbanisation and distrust of government...
  8. Bosch


    A universal religion would need some kind of stable state to facilitate that. Reason why Christianity spread so quickly was the Roman empire. Pliny the younger was writing to Emperor Trajan about Christians in his province. This was around 100 years after Christ, relatively recent.
  9. Bosch


    So very good points you made. However I would not agree that religion is a sole cause of conflict, it can accerbate existing tensions. Northern Ireland was broken across sectarian divides, but you could argue that was a result of English imperialism
  10. Bosch


    There is quite an old anti-catholic sentiment that is still alive in parts of the US (The US was a mainly protestant country until mass-immigration of Irish and German catholics in the mid 19th century). I reckon the guy in the video is just a class Southern baptist preacher who isn't a huge...
  11. Bosch


    Actually the reformation was about 900 years after Islam, so nonsense
  12. Bosch


    Really doubt that's true. As far as I know the rise of Islam came well before the Reformation
  13. Bosch


    Oh you'd have to give me revolutionary France and Soviet union also. The French revolution in the Vendee was particularly blood thirsty with a particularly anti clerical angle
  14. Bosch


    Oh Christ, that could be my ex-brother in law. Has he a book shelf that has nothing on it bar books by Christopher Hitchens & Richard Dawkins ( i mean nothing else, no Lee Child or Stephen King or anything)!!!!
  15. Bosch


    At the risk of breaking Godwin's Law, the Soviets, Khmer Rouger & Nazi's (as well as revolutionary France) kind of did that, and they were for the most part atheistic. In fairness, the 30 years war was mostly over religion (a long with a few other geo-political matters)
  16. Bosch


    You never met my ex brother in law.
  17. Bosch


    There are plenty of people who would have faith and would follow no particular denomination. As an aside, I totally respect your point of view and acknowledge it. I would never attempt to belittle your views @Donegal john
  18. Bosch


    I thought the obvious one would be a Bible :)
  19. Bosch


    I agree with some of you points, but as a very lazy Catholic disagree with some also. I have found my faith has helped me through some difficult personal times and I would not consider myself a sheep or someone who just follows any herd. The church has done untold damage to Ireland in the 20th...
  20. Bosch


    Thank God. It was marketed here very heavily, trying to get a cut of the Guinness market. Wished they just marketed Murphgs more (or Beamish)