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  1. C

    Washing/harvesting Wyeast 1968

    The chunky stuff at the bottom is not the yeast. That is thrub. The layer sitting on top of that is the yeast. The middle layer in the jar if you like. To get it you'll need to pour the first two layers of the two jars into another jar and let it settle. Do this a couple of times until you're...
  2. C

    cocoa powder

    Great, let us know how you get on.:cheers:
  3. C

    cocoa powder

    Adding an extract/ tincture to the boil will not work. Boiling and fermentation will cause all the flavour to disappear. In general, the later you add the flavours to your beer the better they stand out. Lactose isn't sweet really. Brings up the FG and the beer might appear sweeter. By adding...
  4. C

    cocoa powder

    I use a good cocoa powder and add it to my mash. On sparging the grain bed will filter out most of the fatty stuff. The boil then separates the rest which just floats to the top. You can just scoop it off. You can also dry hop with cocoa nibs. This will give you an additional chocolate hunt and...
  5. C

    Recommend me a book please

    You are correct. Mosher wrote it. I stand corrected.
  6. C

    Recommend me a book please

    +1 on How to brew by Palmer. I also like Radical Brewing by Zainasheff. Maybe not for the very beginner.
  7. C


    Hi, What temperature did you ferment at? If you ferment too warm, over 25 C, fusel alcohol can be produced. This alcohol gives you hangovers. More here: -C
  8. C

    Hello from Cork!

    Hi all, From Holland originally, moved to Cork via London. The lack Belgian beers, at the time, made me move into home brewing. Now, a good few years later I brew about a standard batch per month. Time to read the forum. For questions I know where to go! Cheers lads!