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  1. C

    First Brew, a bit nasty...

    Thanks chaps, your experience is much appreciated. I'm going to try Videne. I used the Ritches cause that was on the shelf in the brew shop when I bought my equipment. Cheers, Steve
  2. C

    First Brew, a bit nasty...

    The water is in sealed 2l bottles, the top comes off, water into the bucket and lid straight back on until its time to bottle.
  3. C

    First Brew, a bit nasty...

    Ritchies steriliser and cleaner. Is that ok or do anyone recommend something else? Yes, I keep the full bottles in the airing cupboard and into the fridge the day before drinking. I see what you mean, damp inside with air. Thanks, I'll sterilise them. Cheers, Steve
  4. C

    First Brew, a bit nasty...

    Ok, got over my first brew using a Coopers lager kit and while its clear and fizzy just like in the pub it has a taste like line cleaner. Now, is this because I made the school boy error of forgetting to rinse the steralising solution out of the bucket AND the bottles? The next brew is going on...
  5. C


    Hello, I'm returning to home-brew after a long lay off. I used to brew wine from dandelions and nettles, and anything else that grew around me when I was a school boy... never had much success with beer kits realy, they used to end up yeasty to the taste and flat.... Now after many dry years...