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  1. Noah


    Just logged in after starting brewing again and I read this pathetic thread. The letter is obviously fake and designed to wind people up but why let a lie get in the way of prejudice and ignorance? Good luck attracting new members and keeping the ones you have but if I want this crass...
  2. Noah

    Woodfordes Tinsel Toes vs Festval Bonfire toffee

    Just picked up a couple of these from Wilko for £6 each. Anyone tried them?
  3. Noah

    Brewferm diablo

    I think the Brewferm kits overstate the amount of priming sugar. I used 80g for a 15L batch of Ambiorix and it's climbing out of the bottle. The recommended amount was 95g. I only use 100g for most 23L brews and that's why I cut back.
  4. Noah

    Lowering ABV

    Add just the malt and take a reading, I'm guessing you won't be far off if you don't add the 1Kg of sugar in the kit. Alternatively you could brew a Woodforde's Sundew available from Wilko's which is around 4.2%. Or a Wilko Glorious Golden Ale which is 4% and will set you back £12.
  5. Noah

    Lowering ABV

    The kit comes with 1Kg of brewing sugar.
  6. Noah

    Begginer Conditioning Method Queries

    My set up is more or less the same and you've had some good advice above. I would add that most new home brewers are too hasty at the early stages. Leave your fermented brew where it is for a minimum of 2 weeks with the airlock on, it won't do it any harm at all. After that syphon into your...
  7. Noah

    Festival Belgian Dubbel

    Any updates would be most welcome, I'm thinking of doing this one at some stage to see how it compares to Woodforde's Headcracker.
  8. Noah

    Cycling and Trappist Beer

    Yes, I believe they were being sold in BrewDog Camden for �£25 each. I used to go on an annual pilgrimage and collect 2 crates but my tastes have changed and I no longer feel it's worth the bother. The monks insist that they're not sold on and I've always stood by that. I have given a...
  9. Noah

    Several Brewdays Later....

    Well put, that'll learn me not to post through blurry eyes. Your welcome. :lol:
  10. Noah

    Cycling and Trappist Beer

    Was. :drink:
  11. Noah

    Cycling and Trappist Beer

    I've never been there by bike, I wonder why? :thumb:
  12. Noah

    Any good Christmas pudding type kits?

    Have you tried Woodforde's Headcracker? It really fits the bill as a winter/Christmas brew and doesn't take as long as some to mature. I had one last night that I started at the end of May. Amazing, foamy head, plum pudding and butterscotch flavour, lacking a little in aftertaste but compares...
  13. Noah

    Several Brewdays Later....

    There are many extraneous or missing apostrophes on this forum, which can make it hard going for a pedant like me :whistle:, but this isn't one of them. It can be Chris' or Chris's but I prefer the later. Both mean belonging to Chris. If it was David's or Peter's it wouldn't mean David is or...
  14. Noah

    Brewferm Ambiorix

    Same here, fermentation was very rapid for the first 4 days @22 degrees C and then it almost stopped. I gave it another week in primary and 10 days in secondary before bottling. It's was clear and very tasty. I can't wait to give this a try in a few months time.
  15. Noah

    Youngs American IPA

    It's fine, the yeast's just getting a little exited with all those sugars to gobble up. Just keep doing what you're doing and release the airlock gently a couple of times a day until it settles down. With that much activity and CO2 around there's next to no chance of infection even if you left...
  16. Noah

    Youngs American IPA

    I sanitise a Pyrex bowl (a belt and braces measure) boil just enough water to dissolve the sugar and wait for it to cool. I'd then add it and wait a few hours for the yeast to wake up again before bottling.
  17. Noah

    Youngs American IPA

    I'd bag them up. I find the kit bitter but not particularly hoppy, I'd throw the lot in and buy 100g of Cascade or the like and split that for your John Bull.
  18. Noah

    Youngs American IPA

    I ruined a perfectly good brew by overdoing the spices. if you're going to do it I'd say syphon some off into a demijohn and make a small batch first. I paid £7 for a pint of IPA made with Earl Grey and it was disgusting. I finished it out of principle but it took quite a while.
  19. Noah

    Evil dog, hopped too early, what can I do?

    A lot of differing advice so I'll just add my experience with this brew. 23 days fermenting and finished at 1.006, I decided to use a 1 litre flip-top bottle for a trial beer to be drunk first and added a level spoonful of sugar to it. (I now do batch priming). I went away on holiday for a week...
  20. Noah

    newbee question?

    2 weeks in the bottle or keg. I'd suggest 2+2+4 at least and longer for stronger.