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  1. andynohearu

    How Tall are You.

    6 foot 3 and size 11 trainers or 12 shoes
  2. andynohearu


    Thank you for this. It is helpful
  3. andynohearu


    That is That is relieving actually. I was worrying about the first stage more than anything else. Good tips thank you.
  4. andynohearu


    Hello all. Using the wilko homebrew kits, and following those instructions, isn't it impossible to avoid oxidation?
  5. andynohearu

    Temperature check

    It's probably ruined by my own actions panicking!!! 🤣
  6. andynohearu

    Temperature check

    Thank you. It does drop over night. Got windows open, fans going, and hoping for the best. Can see some bubbling happening so a little relieved, however it's been 36 hours, I would have thought it was be frothy and vigorous by now.
  7. andynohearu

    Temperature check

    Sorry for spelling. Sorry, seen previous post which says may get off taste. Any way of counteracting it if I cannot get temperature down enough?
  8. andynohearu

    Temperature check

    Sorrt, seen previous post which says may get off taste. Anyway of counteracting it if can't getctempsxdiqn enough?
  9. andynohearu

    Temperature check

    Thank you so much. Will it ruin the taste with higher temps?
  10. andynohearu

    Temperature check

    Thank you so much for replying. I dotn have any cold floors unfortunately. There doesn't seem to be much bubbling either. Wondering whether to put more yeast in?
  11. andynohearu

    Temperature check

    Good afternoon everyone. I'm brewing two buckets, a wilko Mexican cerveza and a wilko artistan blonde ipa. Both buckets are brewing at 22-24c. The cerveza is suppose to be 18-20 and the ipa is 22-24 according to instructions. I have heard not to follow the wilko instructions religiously but...