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  1. Muddlecombe

    Caramel cider

    I am a big fan of adding stuff to brew kits. The other week i was clearing out our coffee area (bit posh eh? all of us are big coffee fans and have a gert big bean to coffee machines) any way I found a bottle of caramel coffee syrup and kerching the old brain went mmm caramel apple betty in the...
  2. Muddlecombe

    Coopers Original Stout Review

    I bottled the other week a coopers mexican cerveza and it has turned out bloody fantastic. I made it 4 litres short and here's the other thing my chubby fingers dropped the yeast provided and lost about half of it so i topped up with wilco's basic ale yeast and voila I had what you would call a...
  3. Muddlecombe

    Hello from Stellenbosch, South Africa

    Hello and welcome. Visited there 20 years ago you live in a beautiful part of the world. But crappy beer:thumb:
  4. Muddlecombe

    Cheap whiskey

    Save the whisky and when sloe season comes around make slow whisky. Bloody luverly. I make slow whisky and rum as well as the normal Gin. It's always ready for christmas time and goes down a treat. I use the same recipe for all. Whatever bottle you are using, fill up to a third with pricked...
  5. Muddlecombe

    The Dark stuff

    Can anyone reccomend a good Dark beer kit? at the moment I have an American golden ale on the go and it is doing very well. But I favour the dark side to sup mild/guiness/porter etc. She who must be obeyed is letting me go shopping on my own on Fri (no 'what are you buying That for') so, I am...
  6. Muddlecombe

    Be gentle gods of brewing

    Well my very first brew is on the go at last, after much thinking and reading humming and haaing. I splashed out the cash and have got enough equipment it seems to give guinness a hand. I have plumped for a kit. I was going to go straight into the grain stuff but that will be next week as my...
  7. Muddlecombe

    What music are you listening too or watching

    I love modern country music. The fantastic Alison Kraus and other such artists. In the US country has moved on so much.I was watching the Country music awards of 2015 on sky arts and they had Fallout boy on there bloody brilliant. How about this Glenn Cambell doing a Green Day song...
  8. Muddlecombe

    Another Hello from Dorset

    I love the square and compass but if you ever over this way try the Kings Arms north street in Wareham it is always winning CAMRA awards and best pub etc. Most of the time it has at least 4 special beers on, bootiful
  9. Muddlecombe

    A Tassimo like Beer machine

    The beer in the photos looks like one of my deposits up the quacks the other week.
  10. Muddlecombe

    Another Hello from Dorset

    Hi peeps, I am so new to this that I am still humming and ha'ing over which route to go down :) I am toying with going the whole hog and jump in at the deep end to mash me knackers and sparge me sprockets. So I'm busy reading and trying to get everyones words of wisdom before I start spending...