Hoping To Return

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Nov 19, 2013
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Hi all I used to be a regular on here and quite a big brewer. I stopped brewing as I didn't have the time due to work but lately i have been doing a little less hours and should have the time to brew something. I don't mind buying anything online but really liked going into homebrew shop and chatting to the bloke in shop, I used The Copper Kettle in Burton Latimer Kettering. This has shut some time ago and was wondering if anyone knows of another near me (kettering). In all my days brewing I learned a lot from the shop and a lot from here. I will be starting with kits to get back into it and then go to grain as I still have a my stuff. Any info on shops near me or buying online would be great.

Welcome back.

There used to be 'the happy brewer' that way. Are they still about? Bedford I think.

Don't let massive brew days frighten you, time wise. Times have moved on. Brews have too. People break them up now into stages and make it work around a busy life.
Thanks people think I'll have a look at some online shops to get a picture of whats going on in the world. Might have to wait a month or two till there is a bit more temperature in kitchen so I can leave fermenter alone (that will please the other half) she don't like it says it smells like a brewery (lol). This should give me a bit of time to remember all the stuff that I learned over the years. I still have all the recipes that I brewed but will probably just make something up when I start with the grain again. Thats what I did before, amazing what you can do by just adding some different hops to your brew.

Thanks again
Ip Ian with the newer yeasts you can virtually brew year round.
I do in fact at this time of the year I do Lagers with Novoyeast which can tolerate higher temps and has virtually do sulphur(so no smell)