Tongue In Cheek's Brewdays

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Dec 22, 2024
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London E10
My first brewing in the UK! I hadn’t discovered the joys of homebrewing when I last lived in London, so brew number 72 is a great opportunity to transition to the metric system and try things out with an entirely new kitchen and water profile. I wanted to make something that will be ready to drink quickly and have a low ABV because my wife prefers those types of beers. I love a good British mild, and I don’t see ruby milds very often so I found this recipe which sounded delicious to give it a try. I scaled it down to 11L for an easy job – it had been almost exactly a year since the previous brew day and I was working with an entirely new kitchen so there were a lot of other things on my mind.

Brew date: 12 January 2025
Recipe: Ruby Mild from Dan Smullen (Beer Is My Life)
Batch size: 11L / 3 gallons

Grain bill:
2.25kg Maris Otter
78g Medium Crystal
78g Chocolate
64g Torrefied Wheat

14g East Kent Goldings (60 minutes)
7g East Kent Goldings (flameout)

5 mL Irish moss (15 minutes)

Yeast: Wyeast 1187 Ringwood Ale

20250112 ingredients sm.jpg

Set out 10 gallons of tapwater for the chlorine to outgas overnight. I’d forgotten to do this Friday, so my intended Saturday brew day turned into a Sunday brew session. I forgot to order campden tablets with the brewing supplies - next time. And I was very surprised at the price for liquid yeast, very different from what I was used to in Chicago. My friend pointed out something called a yeast slope so I am going to have a closer look at this option going forward.

Used 6L of 70 degree strike water to mash in the brewpot, in a large nylon mesh bag. That was not enough to thoroughly wet all the grain and the mash temp was down to 60 degrees (target 66). So I topped up with another 2L of 80 degree water and it did the trick.

During the hour-long mash (actually more like 75 minutes, counting the extra time needed to heat up an additional 2L of liquor) I had to apply heat a couple of times to bring the mash temp back to the 66 degree target, lifting the nylon bag off the bottom of the pan while the heat was on to avoid scorching. I was pleasantly surprised by this stove’s high-output burner maximum strength.

I have a large strainer with extensible arms that works well for sparging the nylon grain sack over the brew pot. Sparged with another 5L of 85 degree water, and 20 minutes later we were at full boil.

That was another thing I’d forgotten – how quickly an 11L batch moves from boiling to room temperature than the 19L batches I’m used to working with. Especially when your tapwater is only 3 degrees!

Then comes my least favourite part of the brewing process – filtering liquor into the fermentation vessel. But time passes quickly with a beer in hand and a good podcast in the background. Hit an original gravity of 1.047 - the recipe didn't specify a target but predicts a 4.6% ABV. I won't be upset at all if it comes in a fair bit lower - my mashing is not always super efficient.

20250112 filtering sm.jpg

I am still getting used to the new place and how the heating works. I think the guest bedroom next to the heater is probably the best option, with a blanket wrapped round the carboy to reduce any temperature swings from the heater turning on/off. Seems to have stabilized at 21 degrees – a hair lower than I’d prefer – but I’ll keep a close eye on it over the coming days. I was hoping that a nice ruby colour would come through but it looks to be too brown for that. Would like to have another go someday without the chocolate malt and adding roasted barley.

I'll move it to a smaller carboy for secondary in another week - next up is 11L of an Irish red, but next weekend looks pretty busy so we'll see when that happens...
It's getting a very slow start. The guest room just isn't warm enough, I think. It's down to 19.5 now. I have ordered a heating mat, I'm hoping things pick up once I get that in place tomorrow.
19.5c should be fine.
I think with 2.25kg base malt in 11l it's going to be higher abv than you might think.

My low abv beers typically use 3kg of base malt for a 21l batch
You're right about the temperature - fermentation was going pretty well yesterday afternoon. At least it was on the side of the carboy near the heater! That's a relief.

And you're also right about the grain bill. Looking back at earlier brews, this OG is going to result in a pretty strong mild. Must be an American recipe.
Mighty mild - that's not a bad name, I may use that! 😋

Moved to secondary this past weekend:

It's got a slight reddish hue I suppose, but not quite the ruby I was looking for:

Gravity is down to 1.007 - I reckon it will be more than 5% ABV. More like a brown ale than a mild. There is a nice roastiness to it - I look forward to re-tasting once it's settled down.
Another January brew day - trying to keep on track for my goal of 25 brews in 2025!

This one is an Irish Red. Some unusual malts for this style, but we're going for something a little more 'chewy'

Brew date: 25 January 2025
Recipe: Based on Gordon Strong's Modern Homebrew Recipes
Batch size: 11L

Grain bill:
1.5kg Mild Ale malt
650g Vienna
210g Carapils
210g Pale Crystal
210g Torrefied Maize
55g roast barley (177C for 10 minutes)

7g East Kent Goldings (60 minutes)
3g East Kent Goldings (30 minutes)
4g East Kent Goldings (10 minutes)

1/4 tsp Irish moss (15 minutes)

Yeast: Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale

Still no campden tablets or AMS so I went with straight Thames Water left out overnight. I'm preparing an order for the next brews today, so I'll ensure I have these on hand going forward.

Mashed at 66 degrees for 45 minutes then raised to 76 degrees, though this took probably 15 minutes to reach the right temperature. Next time I need to use a calculator - the math seems way too complex to me, but if anyone has got a good calculator to suggest I'd gladly take recommendations. In the end the mash was closer to 90 minutes than to 60, but since I hit the target OG (1.052) I guess the efficiency worked out pretty well after all. The recipe calls out 70% efficiency rating so that must be about where I'm at - I'm used to coming in below this.


No complications during the brewing session. The Wyeast packet inflated nicely - unlike the previous 'Mighty Mild' brewing session - and this morning fermentation was full on. The carboy is very pale this morning, but at the end of the brewing session I could see a nice coppery colour starting to show. I am optimistic that will be back once things settle!

Once you have a reasonable number of brews under your belt then you can just go...

2kg base malt
Specialist malt as required (crystal/chocolate etc)
5g bittering hops (start)
10g flavouring hops (30 mins)
15g aroma hops (flameout).

and off you go, artisan beer all year round.

Tweak your ingredients next time round until you find out what you like best.
One thing I found very interesting is the distribution of the trub - this photo clearly shows a greater accumulation of sediment on the side of the carboy next to the radiator. Didn't expect to see that kind of a difference!

Bottled the Mighty Mild last weekend and moved the red to secondary where it's clearing up very nicely. The reddish hue is becoming more pronounced just as I'd hoped. This weekend I'll bottle the red and brew a maibock - very excited about this one! At the London Amateur Brewers meetup on Monday I got to taste a really delicious doppelbock that reminded me how much I love these malty lagers.

Brewday number 3 of the year - time for a Maibock!

Brew date: 9 February 2025
Recipe: "My Way" Maibock
Batch size: 11L / 3 gallons

Grain bill:
1.8kg Bohemian pilsner malt
800g Vienna malt
400g Munich malt
200g Belgian aromatic malt

5g Tettnanger whole hops (60m)
5g Magnum hop pellets (60m)
5g Tettnanger whole hops (5m)
5g Magnum hop pellets (flameout)

1 Protafloc tablet ~2.5g (10m)

Yeast: Bootleg Biology BBXRGL Regal Lager Blend


10L treated with 11mL AMS
55C, 10 minutes
63C, 15 minutes
70C, 30 minutes
77C, 10 minutes


I forgot the Munich & Belgian Aromatic malts at first - they got added after the first 10 minutes. I was thinking it was an awfully thin mash! I had wrote them down in a separate column in my recipe book and forgot to read across the page for all ingredients 🤭

The other (minor) issue is that I lost some wort when sparging - the amount of grain was just about too big for the strainer and some ran out onto the stovetop instead of into the kettle - what a sticky mess to clean up after the brewing session. I also think that's why I only hit 1.062 OG instead of target 1.065 - still much closer than I had expected! Next time brewing a beer this big I think I will replace some of the base malt with DME to make that part a little easier.


This is the first time I've used whole hops - I was amazed at how much faster the straining was! I also mistakenly added an entire Protafloc tablet instead of the half tablet I'd intended to use. Seems like that's a common enough mistake, and relatively harmless. No problems with clogging!


It's also the first time I have used yeast from Bootleg Biology. Was surprised to see hops in the ingredients list on the package! I failed to read the fine print til brewday and noticed the part about making a yeast starter for best results. By then it was too late, and I didn't have any DME on hand so it was a moot point. But next time I will need to be better about prep.


As of this morning, it's sitting there pretty quietly in my 14.2C cellar. There is a small collection of bubbles on the surface but no sign of any pressure in the airlock. According to yeast instructions, I will leave it there til Wednesday evening then move it out of the cellar, and the next morning I'll put my heating pad to work, slowly ramping it up to the 29-35C zone. This is going to be pushing the boundaries of what my setup can do for temperature control, so we'll have to see how things turn out.
Fermentation is coming along nicely after about the first 24 hours. Still pretty active this afternoon, by which time the yeast instructions say to move it from the 10-13C range to the 29-35C temperature range:

"Pitch and ferment between 50-55F (10-13C) for 72 hours and then ramp to 85-95F (29-35C) for 48-72 hours. Cooler temperatures for more prolonged periods will increase fermentation time. Pitching warmer may increase sulfur production."

Here's my question for you all - I haven't worked with a yeast blend like this one before. We have guests visiting this weekend and it would be preferable to keep this in the cellar for a longer period of time while we have more people in the house. Is there any indication of what effect this may have on the fermentation? If the only effect is "Cooler temperatures for more prolonged periods will increase fermentation time" - I am very happy to extend the fermentation by a few days. Are there any other things to watch out for, considerations to take into account?

I owe an update on this strange Bootleg Biology lager yeast blend used for the Maibock.

Instead of the recommended 72 hours at 13C followed by 72 hours at 30C, I left things in the cellar for 9 days while guests were visiting. Very quiet for the first 24 hours but then pretty active for several days following. I was a little unsure how to handle the drastic changes to heating, so I moved it in steps. Step 1 moving from the chilly cellar to the 18C guest room, then step 2 the next morning applying 25C heat from a seedling sprouting mat, then step 3 increasing that to 30C.

I don't think the fermentor got up to 30C, probably mid-20s is best guess - I didn't open up the fermentor to stick a thermometer in there. But it seemed to do the trick - fermentation started right up the morning after moving it out of the cellar, and after a day of heating it was going a pretty good rate. After two days of heat the rate had dropped down and after the third day it had pretty much gone quiet again, so I removed the heat.

This weekend I'll transfer it to secondary and move it back down to the cellar to lager for another 6 weeks before bottling. Really looking forward to sampling at the transfer!
2025 brewday number 4 - keeping on track for my new year's resolution to make 25 beers this year 😃

Brew date: 20 February 2025
Recipe: Kolsch
Batch size: 11L / 3 gallons

Grain bill:
2.2kg Bohemian pilsner malt
50g Vienna malt
50g Belgian Caravienne malt

4g Magnum hop pellets (60m)
5g Magnum hop pellets (30m)
3g Magnum hop pellets (5m)

1/2 Protafloc tablet ~1.2g (10m)

Yeast: White Labs WLP029 German / Kolsch Ale


The brewing session went well, to the point where I realized I'd miscalculated the hops. The original recipe called for several types of American hops with AA in the 3.4-4.6% range, and I had Hallertauer Magnum with 11.4% AA. I reduced the amount of Magnum hops for each of the three adds, but later after the brewing session I had the time to get out a calculator and realized that my on-the-fly adjustments worked out to be 24 IBU instead of the targeted 16. Not a disaster, but not exactly the beer I wanted to make either. Hit an OG of 1.045, very close to the target of 1.046 so I'm happy about that.

Fermentation seems to be going exactly as it should. I would like to get it transferred to secondary this week but it looks to be a busy one.