2025 New Year Brewing Resolutions

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Aug 2, 2024
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Northern Ireland
With 2024 drawing to a close and (I dare say) the majority of us having completed our final brews of the year, it only begs the question.

What's on your 2025 New Year Brewing Resolution list?

Is there anything in particular that you wish to try which you've not yet tried before?
Is there anything about your setup that you aim to improve or change?
Something else that you've been eager to try/do/use?

Drop it in this thread below.

Here's mine:
  1. Clear my brewing area. I work in a room that I do several other things in, as a result things pile up. Need to clear the area.
  2. Minimise my equipment. Said to myself on a thread when I started that I wanted to have few "single job specific items" and have done nothing but gather equipment without thinking about what I already have. Time to go through and sort it out. Connected to point 1, it's spreading across the room and making it harder to track everything in a shared area. Anything else I think I need to buy will only be reviewed with all of my equipment in front of me after I've minimised it.
  3. Gas Setup. Recently drilled into my temp chamber for gas to be brought in. It works but definitely not finished.
  4. Fix my steam condensor setup.
  5. Process optimisation. Pretty self explanatory.
  6. This one may ruffle some feathers I talked about closed transfer wine making previously and I'm going to have a look at it this year. I checked my equipment and I appear to have everything I need to do it so might just give it a shot
Brewing quota: I'll update this when I do work some numbers. At least 200L. Should be easy enough considering I have done around half that amount just in the last 4/5 months and really could have done more but was a lil lazy and uncoordinated with it.
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I need to ensure that I make a brew as I open the next one.

I don't drink horrendous amounts (I don't think?) - a Corny tends to last me around 5-6 weeks. But obviously, a decent brew (based on 2-2-2) takes 6 weeks.

Saying all of that, me and the wife are going to spend slightly less time in our local brewery. Again, rarely have more than a pint at a session, but they're open 4 days a week and we end up going every day. So might find myself drinking an extra pint or two.

I also intend to crack doing an imperial stout. Twice failed miserably.

Unlike the poster at the top, I intend to buy more kit. But I want to be careful. I've just bought a sodastream bottle and adapter for my regulator as well as a party tap. I want a 9 or 10L corny so that I can take that on holiday with us.
This year I intend to brew a lot more batches! I've been averaging maybe 3 or 4 in a year recently. So hoping to improve that to maybe 10-12, and have more of my own beer to drink and share!

I'm still a 100% bottler and don't think this will be the year to start kegging, but maybe that will be on the horizon.

I definitely need to use up a lot of ingredients too!
It’s common theme but yes garage. Get rid anything not used in two years. Bring old g30 into process as hot as easier to measure and transfer Sparge into g40 than 60l hot which has no sight glass.
Rethink grain storage location to free up floor space
Add some more shelving where racking is not standing
I have four passions motorhoming fishing bbq and brewing. Therefore garage is pretty chocks so minimising where possible is fine idea.
1. Sort out shed and brew space
2. Set up new 7.5kw burner
3. Fit tap and thermometer to as yet unused 70L kettle for double batches, this will also require a pulley fitting to lift the bag.
4. Try cropping from yeast cake to make my own starters / propagating from bottle conditioned beers.
5.Brew a few more dark beers, got a Chinook Porter planned for January.
I'm going the opposite way to most in 2025, moving away from kegging and going back to bottling. Just taken early retirement so I have more spare time, and bottling suits us more now as we start to travel more in our motorhome. I also intend to do more brewery tours whenever we're close to one.
I'm going the opposite way to most in 2025, moving away from kegging and going back to bottling. Just taken early retirement so I have more spare time, and bottling suits us more now as we start to travel more in our motorhome. I also intend to do more brewery tours whenever we're close to one.

That makes me think you need a MoHo kegerator.

Good luck getting that approved 🤣
Just two for me. That’s all I can cope with….
1. Brew at the correct intervals to ensure I don’t run out of beer AND have two beers in my barrelator,
2. Continue to invent/create unnecessary pieces of over-complicated brewing paraphernalia.

I’ll probably manage to keep to number 2 but occasionally fail on number 1 :coat:
I'm going the opposite way to most in 2025, moving away from kegging and going back to bottling. Just taken early retirement so I have more spare time, and bottling suits us more now as we start to travel more in our motorhome. I also intend to do more brewery tours whenever we're close to one.
Look at those smaller oxebar kegs..be ideal for your van with a soda stream gas.
Look at those smaller oxebar kegs..be ideal for your van with a soda stream gas.
That's a bit spooky! I just added a 4L Oxebar keg to my Malt Miller order this morning. I measured the fridge in the van and the 4L will fit perfectly 👍

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