Drug awareness courses

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
33.000 people have been caught drug driving for a second time, a lot of those caught the first time saying they didn't know it stays in your system for days unlike alcohol, do we need drug driving awareness courses as called for by several people on 5 live today?
Hmm. You give the police money to avoid points / bigger fine.

Depends on the statute regarding the drug offence, if it's possible.
If not, there is no point.
Speed awareness courses are a fund raiser for the police forces.
Would this work for drugs courses?

The drug awareness courses are to let people know amongst other things that you can be caught and done for drug driving long after you think its safe and you would pass the swipe test -
as it says below the legal limit is 2 micrograms of THC an average-sized joint should contain around 120 micrograms of THC its not a wonder so many people fail the swipe. o_O

Weed Legal Limit

However, to rule out accidental exposure to an illegal drug like cannabis, there are legal limits set for each type of drug. For cannabis, this legal limit is set at just 2 micrograms of THC per litre of blood. If you’re over this limit, even by a small amount, you’ll face prosecution.

One exception to this rule is the use of medical cannabis, which became legal in 2018. Smoking cannabis for medical reasons could help you avoid drug driving penalties, although you’ll need to prove that it was lawfully obtained, had been supplied for medical or dental purposes and that it was taken in accordance with the directions issued at the time.

How Long Should I Wait?

Unfortunately, there’s no hard and fast rule for how long you should wait before driving after recreational cannabis use. This is because cannabis is not regulated, so you can’t know for sure how much THC you’re consuming.

Generally, an average-sized joint should contain around 120 micrograms of THC, although weed has been becoming more potent over the last few years. The half-life of the THC metabolites will determine how long you need to wait – this is the amount of time it takes for the THC in your bloodstream to reduce by half.

Again, this isn’t a foolproof calculation as the half-life will be affected by the amount of THC you take and also your physical characteristics, such as your height and weight. Waiting at least 12 hours should be enough if you’ve consumed around 120 micrograms of THC, but it’s best to wait at least 24 hours if you want to be safe.

What about prescription drugs? Lots of the stuff I used to take said..no driving or operating machinery because basically you were bombed off your head taking it.
You would also fail if you'd been eating anything with poppy seeds...and I doubt it you'd explain that away coz they wouldn't be interested in the slightest. Just like if you get a drugs test in work.
The drug awareness courses are to let people know amongst other things that you can be caught and done for drug driving
Following my previous then. There is no point. Who would attend? Why should they? No stick & no carrot. Plus they are of their t*ts on drugs!
Following my previous then. There is no point. Who would attend? Why should they?

I thought i had already explained - people who fail the drug swipe many hours after smoking a joint because they thought after a few hours they were safe to drive need to know they are not, how long it stays in their system and the effect it has, the same for anyone caught driving while talking prescription medication.
I thought i had already explained - people who fail the drug swipe many hours after smoking a joint because they thought after a few hours they were safe to drive need to know they are not, how long it stays in their system and the effect it has, the same for anyone caught driving while talking prescription medication.
So what happens to them currently?
I thought i had already explained - people who fail the drug swipe many hours after smoking a joint because they thought after a few hours they were safe to drive need to know they are not, how long it stays in their system and the effect it has, the same for anyone caught driving while talking prescription medication.
I have family and friends who smoke regularly. They would fail a test even if they had not smoked at all that day or the previous. What is the law in countries that it is legalised
I thought i had already explained - people who fail the drug swipe many hours after smoking a joint because they thought after a few hours they were safe to drive need to know they are not, how long it stays in their system and the effect it has, the same for anyone caught driving while talking prescription medication.
So what happens to them currently?
They are taken to court and if found guilty are fined and banned
I have to say it seems a bizarre to be suggesting courses about something that is illegal.

Driving over the speed limit is illegal yet we have speed awareness courses for those caught which are supposed to be educational and rehabilitative is that bizarre?

They were discussing this on 5 live the other morning did you know more young people now take drugs than drink alcohol these young people need to be educated about the dangers of drugs and driving, we all remember the drink driving campaign on TV as far as i know there is no drug driving TV campaign, these awareness courses would point out the effect drugs have on their ability to drive and how long they stay in their system.

The point is you make them go on the awareness course as part of the punishment and try to educate them before they kill someone rather than wait until they have as i pointed out in the OP 33,000 people have been caught drug driving a second time so obviously the years ban and fine is not enough to stop some.

I would be interested to know how many of them had not smoked for 24 hours before being caught, we drinkers are lucky alcohol leaves our system fairly quickly so two pints at 6pm is not going to register at 6am this is not the case with drugs taking they need to know this through education.
I think a flip down tray would help with eating...especially for the long distance meals like beef madras,mushroom rice and naan breads.

Here you go Clint great for those long motorway journeys
