What are you drinking 2024.

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Well it’s not alcoholic but I’m still drinking Greek Coffee and eating Baclava on a bench watching the sunset on the Aegean Sea.

Also it’s surprisingly hard to find places doing Greek Coffee with Expresso increasingly being the standard (which is not the same)
I like the regular bottled version of Oakham Citra but spotted this in Sainsbury’s. They make a point about “powerful” T90 hop pellets which made me smile but actually this is a really good beer, the aroma and flavour of Citra is pretty impressive. Well done Oakham! 👍. Go and buy some if you like the bottled version, I think you’ll love this one.
I like the regular bottled version of Oakham Citra but spotted this in Sainsbury’s. They make a point about “powerful” T90 hop pellets which made me smile but actually this is a really good beer, the aroma and flavour of Citra is pretty impressive. Well done Oakham! 👍. Go and buy some if you like the bottled version, I think you’ll love this one.
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In their recipe in the modern homebrewer they have boil additions which are half pellet and half whole hop eg

It does seem to be a bit of an obsession!
A little taste of my latest batch of English Porter. It’s been conditioning for 2-weeks and unsurprisingly tastes just like an English Porter but is still a touch disappointing. My last batch was 0.6% stronger and was more flavourful, I had a problem with my grain mill leading to a more coarse grist in the latest batch and consequently lower efficiency and less flavour extraction. We have friends coming round Saturday and one chap is a Porter evangelist and loves my older batch (I do still have some) so it will be interesting to see what he thinks.


I fly back to the UK tomorrow do house white followed by the obligatory Raki. Being a while since I’ve had a proper do nothing holiday but Greece is certainly a good place for it if you like decent food, and remarkably good value wine. Of course then I went and spent €100 on a few bottles of good quality desert wine to take and with me.