Use em up Stout

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Sep 13, 2022
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So I'm wanting to use up my grain before ording some more, so I've come up with this recipe - aiming to be a stout - but I feel I'm just chucking grain in so thought I dask you lot what you think?

This is for 5L batch
650g Marris Otter
250g Caramunich 2
150g Crystal DArk
100g flaked torrefied barley
100g Specal B
50g carapils

7g Bramlin cross @60min
5g Bramlin Ccross @5 min
20g Admiral 20min hopstand @80g

I'm considering adding some coca powder @15 boil and villia pods in the ferminter too.

what are your thoughts ?
Do you have any chocolate?

I think you could make a nice brown porter from the Golden Promise + Maris Otter, Chocolate, Dark Crystal, and Special B (maybe either the flaked barley or carapils too).

Would give some nice dark fruit flavours, which would complement the Bramling Cross
Would this be a better mix?

This is for 5L batch
650g Marris Otter
250g golden promice.
150g Crystal DArk
100g flaked torrefied barley
80g Caramunich 2
80g Specal B
50g carapils

Looking at the malts you have, you are going to struggle to make a stout. You really need something like chocolate malt or roasted barley.

However, you do seem to have everything you need to make a nice Bitter or ESB. Keep your base malts (Maris Otter / Golden Promise) to about 80-90% of the grain bill and then use the crystal malts to add depth. I'd keep the flaked barley too to add some body.

Something like this should work:

Maris Otter - 65%
Golden Promise - 20%
Flaked Barley - 5%
Caramunich 2 - 5%
Crystal Dark - 5%

You can play around with the percentages a bit to suit your available grain quantities.
I might have added too much coca...
Yes I was going to use cocaco nibs but my wife pointed out we have lots of cocaco powder and the nibs will probably sit in the cupboard...

I will update once its ready :)
Thinking about it -I may need to up the level of vanilla I was planning to compensate...
It was supposed to be a cholate vanilla stout/porter , but I forgot to double check the amount of cocoa power to add so added 100g in a 5l batch...

So I guess I've made my first pastry stout/porter/milkshake thing....
It was supposed to be a cholate vanilla stout/porter , but I forgot to double check the amount of cocoa power to add so added 100g in a 5l batch...

So I guess I've made my first pastry stout/porter/milkshake thing....
Those ingredients wouldn't come within a bulls roar of a stout, Stu's Brews gave some sound advice on what to brew. You should have followed it.
Those ingredients wouldn't come within a bulls roar of a stout, Stu's Brews gave some sound advice on what to brew. You should have followed it.
Your right he has and will be used.
I kind of decided to go with it as the 2nd recipie easnt too far off his suguestion. Plus I still have enough left over to follow his recipe next :)

So is toasted barley ot cholate malts the key to Stouts them?