Recent content by Tanglefoot

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  1. Tanglefoot

    What are you drinking 2024.

    Enjoying the warm weather, beautiful view and this crisp, cold Korev lager - Magnum, Hersbrucker and Saaz.
  2. Tanglefoot

    What are you drinking 2024.

    Holed up in our holiday hide away in the far south of Cornwall enjoying the first taste of this Hallertau Blanc steam Pilsener kegged a week ago, after a long drive. Looking forward to some swimming, fishing, reading, eating and drinking -weather looking promising 🤞
  3. Tanglefoot

    the 1st tranche of stupid Questions on wine by FRISP begins

    I've used this Kedem 100% white grape juice from sainsburys as an addition to elderflower wines. No colours or flavouring, it does list Potassium Metabisulphate but I've never had a problem with it fermenting out...
  4. Tanglefoot

    What are you drinking 2024.

    Outside doing a few jobs ; cleaning out the gutters, hacking back undergrowth then forced in by the rain so sitting down with this Crisp IPA - nice zesty bitterness. Nugget Cali Common I kegged a couple of weeks ago, taken a while to start clearing but lovely balance of biscuity malt and...
  5. Tanglefoot

    Pickled eggs...

    Pickling is quite trendy now, could be the next in thing with the hipsters ! Used to get pickled onions on the bar too, can't beat an old fashioned ploughman's with a pint of bitter.
  6. Tanglefoot

    What are you drinking 2024.

    Now having a glass of my Belgian single, Tettnang and Styrian Goldings, while I wait to see what beer my daughter will bring back from the supermarket - I have faith !
  7. Tanglefoot

    What are you drinking 2024.

    I like a richer maltier ale now and again, this hits the spot - slightly treacley and moreish.
  8. Tanglefoot

    What are you drinking 2024.

    Olicana pale ale still going down a treat. A lovely summer ale, this keg isn't going to last long. Got a Hallertau Blanc Pilsener ready to put in a mini keg this weekend, then stick it in the fridge till we go on holiday in a week.
  9. Tanglefoot

    Is it worth it?

    On the ball City !
  10. Tanglefoot

    What are you drinking 2024.

    Olicana pale ale kegged a week ago, while listening to Oxford Utd do the business at Wembley ! ( I was there in 2010 when they regained league status )
  11. Tanglefoot

    Show us your dog

    Back out in the fields now its dried out a little, the young pup enjoying the buttercups !
  12. Tanglefoot

    What are you drinking 2024.

    Not expecting it to be hazey but really enjoying this pale ale with Citra, Cascade and Mosaic - lovely grapefruity bitterness. @dad_of_jon that Garth can cracked me up !
  13. Tanglefoot

    Cashless pub.

    I always keep a bag of coins handy to pay for parking, far easier than faffing about on my phone with apps especially when there's no WiFi ( e.g on holiday in furthest depths of the west country ). Also if you want to tip you can be sure the right person is getting it.
  14. Tanglefoot

    What did you brew today?

    Yesterday I brewed a Steam Pilsener using up a few malts and trying out a couple of German hops for the first time. Hallertau Blanc Steam Pilsener Batch #51 12L BIAB no sparge Total water 16.7L OG 1.052 FG 1.012 ABV 5.3% EBC 8.5 IBU 36 Organic extra pale 1.1 kg Vienna 1kg Pale MO...
  15. Tanglefoot

    White wine / Prosecco coming out of keg as foam?

    This is my experience also, I've kegged Elderflower wine both sugar primed and carbonated with co2 and natural secondary fermentation made for a much better drink. I also found co2 gave a fizz that quickly dissipated, if you sugar prime in a keg you also have no worries about bottle bombs.