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  • Sadfield
    Sadfield reacted to ChrisD123's post in the thread Brew Books - What's On Your Shelf?? with Like Like.
    so after reading this read thought i would add to my one and only book...the trusted Homebrew beer...nice drop yesterday... Mastering...
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    I meant stop reading threads that contain ideas, information or discussion beyond your chosen level. Just stop reading them rather than...
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    Too many scared to experiment, and don't want others to. Sad.
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield reacted to RichardM's post in the thread Brew Books - What's On Your Shelf?? with Like Like.
    It is, and it's quite old, so not many modern styles, but very good (with an American slant) for traditional styles.
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    Why have forum @Rodcx500z? Isn't the point of it to make better beer by sharing information and experience? Or, do we all stop at a...
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    So your beer changes over 6 weeks. Perhaps maturity and oxidation are the same process. Is maturity something you want in an IPA?
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield reacted to An Ankoù's post in the thread Hop mashing with Like Like.
    In fairness @Rodcx500z, I don't think many of us could give a dingo's kidney about the Madri-swillers of this world. The issue is...
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    No I'm saying everyone tastes differently, have different taste threshold. It has nothing to do with belief, some people can taste thing...
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    Not really a a waste @Rodcx500z when you get good beer either way. A little extra hops isn't going ruin a beer.
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    It very is the point. We brew for ourselves not for the general public, if you are one of those people that can tell the difference...
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    Doesn't work @jof. Read post 4. Report the results of 18 months of trialling mash hopping and taking results to two homebrew clubs for...
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    @jambob. Go back to my original reply to your question about mash hopping. Follow the link and you'll find my reason for mash hopping...
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    I agree.
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    What are 'wrong things'?
  • Sadfield
    Sadfield replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    Apply that to brewing.
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