Recent content by raymondo

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  1. raymondo

    One for the bikers

    Still biking after nearly 50 years - Honda CB1300. Owned for 15 years now. Bike number 15 I think.
  2. raymondo

    The apples made me do it

    A wild cider fermentation takes a while to get underway - mine often sit for 7 to 10 days before showing activity. Can't help regarding Kviek yeast - never used it, supposed to ferment at high temperatures I believe. You need to use a hydrometer to assess how fermentation is going.
  3. raymondo

    Why Doesn't Cider Go Off?

    Just my thoughts...... 7% alcohol content, full of tannin, quite acidic, carbonate in bottles so no oxygen.
  4. raymondo

    Getting cherry flavour into beer

    I tried exactly the same method - and it is an expensive product - and found the same result. Following this post with interest.
  5. raymondo

    Thomas Hardy's Ale Yeast

    Should have said - brewed in 1993 - so nearly 30 years old!
  6. raymondo

    Thomas Hardy's Ale Yeast

    I have one bottle of Hardy Ale - 25th anniversary tucked away - tempted to a) drink it and b) try to propogate the yeast. Any ideas what strain it might be if viable?
  7. raymondo

    Top mashing with dark grain - does it work?

    Have you tried Carafa 2, or Carafa 3 - both will give colour without excessive bitterness?
  8. raymondo

    Who remembers and used.

    Still on the telephone topic. Dial 0, operator answers, give the number you are dialling from and the number you want to speak to. Operator manually connects you.
  9. raymondo

    Who remembers and used.

    4d in my day! Dial a disc, press B to get your money back. A new single every Sunday if I remember.
  10. raymondo

    Hydrometer Readings

    I'm still using my Loxford Wine and Beer tester - must be around the same age as your broken hydrometer. I'll be disappointed when I eventually break it - bound to happen sometime.
  11. raymondo

    Cask conditioning

    An interesting series playing out on Youtube - The Craft Beer Channel. All about cask ale - Hook Norton brewery in episode 2 is particularly interesting.
  12. raymondo


    Plenty of products here suitable for Reggie Perrin's GROT shop.
  13. raymondo

    First timer with small orchard seeking advice on cider

    Additional information here as well.
  14. raymondo

    2021 Apple Harvest Cider Thread

    South Devon here - very limited crop this year - 3 weeks of frost in April/early May during flowering. Initial thoughts are it's not worth getting the press out. The orchards I scrump from are just as bare.