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  1. mentaldental

    Fridge heater - is it worth buying anything fancy?

    I used a vivarium heater mat. Worked well.
  2. mentaldental

    Ridiculous beer descriptions

    I get irritated by the use of "hazy" when the beer is opaque and looks like the contents of my primary fermenter. It's another example of the "more is more" attitude taken from US craft brewing (hazy, unfiltered beer GOOD, very hazy/opaque beer BETTER). And, yes, I am a grumpy, old man! :-)
  3. mentaldental

    Brewer's Invert Sugar

    I've made Nos. 1, 2 & ,3 invert using a modified version of the instructions found online. My thoughts are: 1. Some on-line instructions seem to have been written by someone who has not actually made invert sugar. For instance, most of the instructions are obsessed with controlling the...
  4. mentaldental

    If you could only drink one commercial beer for the rest of your life.......

    I have no idea about that, so I can't say you are wrong!
  5. mentaldental

    Anyone drunk this Nigerian Guinness?

    B and M stock it too.
  6. mentaldental

    If you could only drink one commercial beer for the rest of your life.......

    Cheeky! Burton snatch was the sulphurous aroma that certain Burton beers exhibited. Allegedly due to the high sulphate content of the brewing liquor although it seems more likely to be yeast derived to me. But then what do I know?
  7. mentaldental

    If you could only drink one commercial beer for the rest of your life.......

    Yes, draft Bass was a good pint too when you got it at it's long as you liked a bit of "Burton snatch".
  8. mentaldental

    If you could only drink one commercial beer for the rest of your life.......

    Mid 70s Pedigree was a special beer. So full of delicate hoppy flavours.
  9. mentaldental

    Lagering and diacetyl rest

    Thanks guys. Duly noted.
  10. mentaldental

    Lagering and diacetyl rest

    I am making a Kellerbier OG 1053 fermented with S-23. This is only the second traditional lagering that I have carried out and the first was years ago. I carried out a primary fermentation for 10 days at 12°C, dropped to 4°C at a rate of 2 degrees per day and held it there for 41 days. The...
  11. mentaldental

    Double Brown Stout, head retention

    Gratuitous picture. It doesn't look too bad, to be fair.
  12. mentaldental

    Double Brown Stout, head retention

    I have just remembered that I got distracted on brew day and I had a boil over at the start of the boil. I guess that would have resulted in the loss of protein from the wort which could explain the head retention issue.
  13. mentaldental

    Double Brown Stout, head retention

    That's interesting. Garshol's book is on my reading list.
  14. mentaldental

    Double Brown Stout, head retention

    No orange flavour that I could detect but I believe that is fairly subtle and and this is not a delicate beer so I am not surprised. Mind you I think orange would blend well with the chocolate and coffee flavours so might not stand out. I fermented at 27C which may have suppressed these flavors...
  15. mentaldental

    Double Brown Stout, head retention

    Thanks for the ideas. 1. The wort was very clear. I use a RIMS set up and Protofloc for 10 mins and this combination works well for me. 2. I boiled for 60 minutes, which is normal for me. I use a 3kW heater element on full chuff although I wouldn't describe the boil as excessively hard. Still I...