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    • L
      Good morning all. As a newbie in this game I'm looking for some advice. I have two 25 litre brew buckets each with 20 pound of...
    • L
      Lovetheliquor replied to the thread Newbee.
      😂😂😂 My wife will think I've think at the sauce already 😁😁😁. I'll open a bottle teetree oil or eucalyptus oil half hour before I want...
    • L
      Lovetheliquor replied to the thread Newbee.
      Ok lucky you 😁. I'll think of something
    • L
      Lovetheliquor replied to the thread Newbee.
      Ok, good thinking👏👏, i must be a bit slow 😁 didn't think of that. How do you keep fruit fly's away when syphoning off or stiring the...
    • L
      Lovetheliquor replied to the thread Newbee.
      Where can I get some gallon jugs like this. I have two 25 litre mash buckets, two djs all with cider And two 15 litre jug type dj...
    • L
      Lovetheliquor replied to the thread Newbee.
      I'll definitely give that a try, when i have a few more DJ's the prices of them is fairly serious at the moment. I have only two right...
    • L
      Lovetheliquor replied to the thread Newbee.
      Thanks you, The welcome is appreciated. I'm sure a lot of you have been members for years, and know each other well, as i hope to in...
    • L
      Hello everybody. Thank you for the warm welcome. I am a beer lover, but unfortunately it gives me gout, not much fun. I have seen...
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