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  • jof
    jof reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread Hop mashing with Like Like.
    Personally i find all this a load of old tosh, i base this on the fact that all this experiment malarky is a waste of good grain and...
  • jof
    jof replied to the thread Bag in a Box - Any good?.
    There is a more complex solution to this. I think I've seen it in another thread about beer in a bag. You put beer in bag inside a...
  • jof
    jof replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    As you say @An Ankoù, I think this could be a four pint problem just to work out the testing hypothesis.
  • jof
    jof replied to the thread Hop mashing.
    I'm with @An Ankoù. Start from "oh, that sounds interesting" and test it out. Make 2 brews and taste test them to see if it makes any...
  • jof
    jof reacted to jambop's post in the thread Hop mashing with Like Like.
    Home brewing is not a hobby... it simply has to be a science! Home brewing the new HiFi spend a shed load on trying to achieve something...
  • jof
    jof replied to the thread have beer kits improved?.
    Also as you've brewed AG for a while you'll have good processes for cleaning, sterilisation, temp control, number of weeks for...
  • jof
    jof replied to the thread What are you drinking 2024..
    Went on a self guided vineyard walk today with SWMBO
    • 1000007638.jpg
  • jof
    As long as these newfangled internet connected controllers don't get crowdstruck or just obsoleted after a few years like my Samsung...
  • jof
    jof replied to the thread Bag in a Box - Any good?.
    Are you sure you want to start with 2.5 vol? Normally if youre going to do destructive testing you start lower & build up. It costs less...
  • jof
    jof replied to the thread Picture or Video of the day..
    I'm sorry, it was my fault causing @The Baron to recount his abduction/encounter. Or were you out making crop circles in the nice...
  • jof
    jof reacted to The Baron's post in the thread Picture or Video of the day. with Love Love.
    As you can see I am in Alien mode. I slept bad last night maybe I was kidnapped probed and returned? 👽 :laugh8:
  • jof
    jof reacted to The Baron's post in the thread Picture or Video of the day. with Haha Haha.
  • jof
    If you've done half a dozen all grain brews before, you should be up for making your own recipe. Go for an English pale or golden ale...
  • jof
    jof replied to the thread Picture or Video of the day..
    The aliens levitated it onto place if certain TV shows are to be believed.👽🛸