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  1. Joetp

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    I looked but couldn't find what I sent. It was something along the lines of... 1. Mash isn't accurate as it's only to within 3 degree control either way. 2. The mash issue causes massive unpredictability and brew repeatability is impossible as the FG is a lottery. I iterated how important this...
  2. Joetp

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    The mashing issue is what got me the refund I desired. 3 degrees simply isn't good control to hit desired numbers properly. How are you supposed to repeat a brew when there's that much of a swing? It's a lottery in terms of FG on this thing!
  3. Joetp

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    I don't see any hijacking here! I started this thread to post my initial concerns and those ended up being the tip of the iceberg after a few trial brews. It gives me validation that others are experiencing similar issues and I hope Grainfather see this thread.
  4. Joetp

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    I think Grainfather know full well they messed up with the S40. Anyone in doubt should definitely complain. From my experience, they are in "restore reputation" mode about it and are willing to fix it.
  5. Joetp

    Equipment For Sale Brewing books for sale.

    I'll take these all off your hands for ease! I don't have any of these except for Brewing Classic Styles, but I can gift that to someone easy enough! I'll DM you.
  6. Joetp

    Anyone used

    Good news! Glad it's sorted!
  7. Joetp

    Puzzling low OG

    I've ran into this issue as well from an AG kit, which is why I don't do them anymore! I thought I put it into Brewfather and scaled it correctly, but I don't think it worked and I got a 3.8 percent beer instead of a 5.8 percent beer! It'd be good if Brewfather allowed you to input the...
  8. Joetp

    What do you do with beers you don't like?

    I don't think I've made any absolute crap beers, but I have definitely messed up things like water additions or had things where the yeast has over attenuated, so the beer is dry and thin. The odd strange off flavour from fermenting too high before I had control... I've never had any that aren't...
  9. Joetp

    Anyone used

    I've not heard anything about them, but they appear to have a handful of reviews online, so I'd assume they are legit! Have you tried getting in touch with them via email?
  10. Joetp

    MP15RM Pump Leak

    Okay... confirming this one is perfect - no leaks! Would recommend this ebay seller - ordered at 2pm Tuesday and arrived this morning: O-Ring specs: Interior = 48mm, cross section = 2mm.
  11. Joetp

    Liquor/Water Analysis - Murphy & Son, anyone used their service?

    Still quite a bit lower than the minimum stated on the latest water report I have to hand/can find (Jan 23)! I've emailed Yorkshire Water and asked them to send the latest. Neil advised that I buy a TDS Meter and gave me the ballpark figure it should be based on his test results - I bought a...
  12. Joetp

    MP15RM Pump Leak

    I've ordered a few different sizes of these around the ballpark I think it is: A fraction of the price of Aliexpress (4 pounds), so I've requested to cancel the Aliexpress order for now. Thanks for the help/confidence haha! Hopefully one...
  13. Joetp

    MP15RM Pump Leak

    Thanks! It's very hard to measure them exactly since the o-ring is now broken, so I'm having to try and measure the housing. That site looks like the holy grail for o-ring replacements though! For reference, this is the cause of the chaos (see tear at the bottom): I've got in touch with the...
  14. Joetp

    Liquor/Water Analysis - Murphy & Son, anyone used their service?

    I also sent mine and received the results Sunday morning. I was pleasantly surprised to find out the water profile here in Sheffield is much lower in minerals than it suggests in the water reports, so well worth the money. Great service from Neil! How did yours go @MashBag?