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    • J replied to the thread Using older grain.
      I still have a few bottles so fetching one now. If I live forever I'll let everyone know.
    • J reacted to An Ankoù's post in the thread Using older grain with Like Like.
      Malt Miller don't know what they're talking about. To brew the best beer in the world, you need to be English. Sure, the Scots make a...
    • J replied to the thread Using older grain.
      I assumed the other enzymes might need some help as the grain was old, and bromium is supposed to be good at carving up proteins . I...
    • J replied to the thread Using older grain.
      I had some 3 year old grain (was sealed), did a 1 gallon test with pineapple juice (Bromelain is a cysteine protease that targets the...
    • J
      Ok - That fits better with the observation. So the wider question is has anyone brewed this with sucess (as in made it drinkable). As...
    • J
      I got to here from searching keywords. Reading this help with the outcome regarding bitterness. The brewdog recipe...
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