Recent content by Hesmondgrolsh

The Homebrew Forum

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  1. H

    Klarstein Brauheld Pro Mash Kettle

    I have one of these and yes I agree very prone to clogging! Otherwise I think it is excellent. Could you share the adaption details to help with the clogging issue - Thanks
  2. H

    Recipe Ideas

    Very nice, thanks
  3. H

    Recipe Ideas

    Ooh very nice - can you suggest the overall weight so can work out the ratios please
  4. H

    Recipe Ideas

    I am going to do a brew tomorrow and use up some malts and hops, any guidance would be welcome I have the following - Maris Otter pale malt - loads of it (half a sack) - Heritage Crystal Malt - 490g - Chocolate malt - 210g - Challenger hops 100g - Cascade hops approx 100g - Saaz Hops 100g -...
  5. H

    Water Chemistry

    first heard of DWB about 3 hours ago and need to do some reading, this is a rabbit hole, but I love this **** . Knowledge is power and all that so as a newbee to the site, I'll spend some time digging around the threads but what sounds interesting is a blank water profile and building what you...
  6. H

    Water Chemistry

    Thankyou 2stage, "salt and mineral prefix" i can see a brand new line of brewing products here! And if i stick with my water with an AMS dose, a campden tablet and maybe a little gypsum will it disgusting to the purist or am i being obsessive again?
  7. H

    Water Chemistry

    Hi I'm new to the Forum and would like to say Hi to all. Just got hold of a load of kit from a lovely guy who has decided to concentrate on wine. I want to make a fine pilsner style lager and I live in East Anglia where the water could not be less suited to this style of beer Hardness mg...
  8. H

    Forum member map. (3-1-2021)

    Please add me CB114JX