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  • fluketamer
    fluketamer replied to the thread What Pressure fermenter.
    i was going to say i am not sure there is one. the 8 liter oxebar will work as a pressure fermenter but obviously you aint getting a...
  • fluketamer
    the only benefit i see is the ability to ferment warmer and thus faster. however if push comes to shove for me at least, cold...
  • fluketamer
    fluketamer replied to the thread fermzilla brew advice.
    get a big funnel that helps. dont mix anything in the ziilla cause you risk scratching the inside. mix in the bucket then pour...
  • fluketamer
    absofriggenlutely. no question. all dogs need to be on leash at all times always. for the safety of others and the dog itself. hes...
  • fluketamer
    fluketamer replied to the thread Kegland Oxebar kegs/dispense.
    the kegs are the fv's clint . its got a floating dip tube. they make great uni's (ferment and serve) i figured this out while...
  • fluketamer
    fluketamer replied to the thread Kegland Oxebar kegs/dispense.
    yes you need to trim the tube. i think they recommend trimming it so the ball just reaches the bottom as closest as possible without...