Recent content by dad_of_jon

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  1. dad_of_jon

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Can't say exactly what I've been up to in the last few months. You can be assured that whatever was happening I did manage to get a few beers in. The grisette glass is my oh FFS raspberry and pineapple sour. 10% raspberry and 10% pineapple. Raspberry overwhelms. It was meant to taste like a...
  2. dad_of_jon

    Electric cars.

    Enjoy and have fun 🙂
  3. dad_of_jon

    UK Bottled Water brands

    This is what i've collected over a few years. I was looking for the lowest ph to use with star san. when I used bottled water to brew I always used chase spring as the liquor. chase spring usually being available as the cheap own brands for tesco & lidl but was also in asda for a time. Nestle...
  4. dad_of_jon

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    So starting with an amazing 5% NZ pale from beerriff. So much flavour for a 5% beer awesome. Then my dipa-matic solution a 7.74% NZ beerriff inspired DIPA. I'm stoked I nailed it. It's immediately on the rebrew list despite 300g of pellet hops in 18 litres. Then a weird yet strange and...
  5. dad_of_jon

    Electric cars.

    the sprinkler would have reduced the damage is his assessment it's not going to stop an EV battery fire, barriers would also have contained the spread and they generally don't need 'maintenance'. unfortunately the majority of multistory car parks were built before the increased fire intensity...
  6. dad_of_jon

    Electric cars.

    Used a lot of this in a previous job. it is a fact that lithium ion battery chemistry makes a fire they are involved in harder to extinguish. their chemistry means they generate their own oxygen to keep the fire going once started. with other fire types co2 or foam work. so on the risk matrix...
  7. dad_of_jon

    Electric cars.

    @Chippy_Tea 1:50 of a 5 min video of a 5:35 video, the pedant in me says thats less than half way :laugh8:. He's just going through the chain of events and covers everything including ways to mitigate against this. Any car park with an out of order fire suppression system should be closed to...
  8. dad_of_jon

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Im a kviek(voss) fanboi i'll have to get some in. athumb..
  9. dad_of_jon

    Electric cars.

    my son is getting 58+ mpg in his 1.2 suzuki ignis. according to the computer and he mainly does short local trips. i've seen a figure in the high 50's when i've had one as a courtesy car here's more advice from a firefigher who...
  10. dad_of_jon

    Electric cars.

    Nice graph. how much of road transport is personal vs road freight?
  11. dad_of_jon

    Picture or Video of the day.

    don't worry I was born in the uk and don't have a clue either! certainly not soft ijs
  12. dad_of_jon

    Extract to start

    kit, kit plus hops yeast change, then dme/dwe all the way, sometimes with a mini mash for those types of beer where dme/dwe doesn't cut it
  13. dad_of_jon

    Favorite Beer Styles Discussion

    I like most styles apart from penny pinching mass produced pap. the cheapest beverage you can have should be water because no extra ingredients required? But brewers please don't try to get to that level of costs it's going to end up like er , well water asad. there are a lot of meh modern...
  14. dad_of_jon

    Huw Edwards' BBC pay increased by £40,000 last year

    I used to 'police' the IT image filter as IT manager at a previous job. one or two images I did have to look into the law to see if they were illegal. when I introduced the filter I gave all staff prior warning in line with the IT usage policy everyone singed up to and all new staff were...
  15. dad_of_jon

    What did you brew today?

    its perfect temps on mon/tue for me to brew a kveik but I have a dipa ready for a dry hop in my only FV 😭