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  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 reacted to hoppyscotty's post in the thread Fermenters with Like Like.
    Tricky with a fermzilla without pressure as it requires positive head pressure to push beer out, so only way would be to open up the top...
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread Fermenters with Like Like.
    Don't forget "having fun" is a huge part of any hobby. If you want a fermenter because your want it for whatever reason, then get it -...
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 replied to the thread Fermenters.
    Thanks for that, i was thinking about how would i say bottle without pressure
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 reacted to hoppyscotty's post in the thread Fermenters with Like Like.
    I can recommend the fermzilla type of fermenter..I think having a pressure capable fermenter is useful even if you don't want to do...
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread Fermenters with Like Like.
    Correct. Add sugar directly to the bottle for bottle conditioning. I use a half/quarter teaspoon measure along with a funnel, but...
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 replied to the thread Fermenters.
    I take it you add priming sugar/carbonation drops directly to the bottle? and not add sugar solution to the actual fermented beer? I...
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 replied to the thread Fermenters.
    This one
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 replied to the thread Fermenters.
    has anyone used the Bucket buddy with integrated heating element?
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 replied to the thread Fermenters.
    thank you
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread Fermenters with Like Like.
    I have this one. It seems identical...
  • ChrisD123
    So i have been using the usual buckets type fermenting vessels but am now looking into conical vessels. I am not really bothered about...
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 reacted to Keruso's post in the thread Saison attempt with Like Like.
    I've added a handful of Kaffir Lime Leaves at 5min left in the boil, along with using Sorachi Ace, was a great beer, finishes real dry...
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 reacted to Sadfield's post in the thread Saison attempt with Like Like.
    I SMaSH it when using a hop not typically European, and never anything Piney. Otherwise, my standard grist is rustic, with Extra Pale...
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 reacted to Sadfield's post in the thread Saison attempt with Like Like.
    Here's another one. I love this beer.
  • ChrisD123
    ChrisD123 replied to the thread Saison attempt.
    Thanks for this