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  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Electric cars..
    Burden of proof is very much on the person making the claims. As the late, great Christopher Hitchens said, "What can be asserted...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 reacted to Chippy_Tea's post in the thread Electric cars. with Haha Haha.
    I thought i had already explained this and i am not going to change my mind however much you tell me you do not agree, if you don't...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Electric cars..
    Just re-read this. Why on earth would you share things if you've not checked their veracity yourself? You've got time to copy, paste and...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 reacted to Chippy_Tea's post in the thread Electric cars. with Like Like.
    There was no link in the original post i wont lose sleep over whether you think that makes copying it here disingenuous or dishonest!
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Electric cars..
    I don't take issue with having to Google or do research. I take issue with whole articles being lifted and the source not being cited...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Electric cars..
    Then perhaps it shouldn't be presented as such when it's reproduced.
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Electric cars..
    Yes. The link I provided shows a tweet of a story from "Sherwood News" where this story seems to originate from. You seem to copy and...
    • Screenshot_20241216-133341.jpg
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 reacted to stripeyjoe's post in the thread Electric cars. with Like Like.
    Or maybe it's their owner becoming toxic and putting people off lining his pockets even more. I see there was a post about 'leaving...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Electric cars..
    All I see is something that appears to be a copy and paste of an article, but no link to the original source. I think it's fair to doubt...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 reacted to Corinbis's post in the thread Electric cars. with Like Like.
    Post deleted - Can we keep American politics out of the thread we have a forum for political discussion feel free to post in the Trump...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 reacted to RoomWithABrew's post in the thread Drilling holes in fridge with Like Like.
    Commercial fridges or old fridges with the metal condenser exposed on the back of the fridge have no pipework in the sides. Use a...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Electric cars.. Because it's the usual clickbait nonsense. Would be good if people backed...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 reacted to xozzx's post in the thread Electric cars. with Like Like.
    My house is visible from space, don't see any headlines about that.
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 reacted to An Ankoù's post in the thread Excess Trub with Like Like.
    No. Not at all. This isn't a CAMRA (spelt WANKA) forum. Good lager is good beer. Now that the temperature in my brewery has hit 12C...
  • Brew_DD2
    Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Advent calendars.
    I had the gingerbread one. Think that might have been a couple of years ago though. My memory fails me. I wonder why 😂