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  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Stout popularity soars..
    What would be a better stout than Guinness that is the same gravity (or certainly no stronger) and does not have some kind of gimmicky...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread Geordie Winter Warmer with Like Like.
    You could use DME dried malt extract instead of enhancer,
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Merry Christmas.
    Hope you have a great day everyone! I've just put the Turkey crown in the oven 8-)
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Geordie Winter Warmer.
    Well done on persevering, it can take a few goes to iron out problems and arrive at process that works for you. You'll probably find...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Stout popularity soars..
    I've got no desire to buy products from Brewdog, so I will will stick with the yoof and will continue to buy Guinness ;-) Alcohol free...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave reacted to Stu's Brews's post in the thread Stout popularity soars. with Like Like.
    I really don't think this is the case. As others have said, Guinness have made a massive marketing effort (which has included using...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave reacted to Moe's post in the thread Stout popularity soars. with Like Like.
    I quite like Guinness- it’s always a consistently good back up beer if there are no ales on, even if it’s always served too cold. There...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Stout popularity soars..
    Isn't the story that Guinness has become unbelievably popular because 'influencers' have been promoting it on the internet? Not sure...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave reacted to JockyBrewer's post in the thread Sam Smith's Brewery with Like Like.
    I get the impression that the London pubs aren't subject to the insanity, although it's been a while since I've been in one. I'll have...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Sam Smith's Brewery.
    Interesting observations. I agree he is probably unlikely to allow major change to the brewery in his lifetime. But if the son could...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave reacted to Sneedhearn's post in the thread Sam Smith's Brewery with Like Like.
    We don't have any Samuel Smith pubs here in NI as far as I'm aware, but I've always enjoyed the ones I've visited in London. That...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave reacted to Clint's post in the thread Sam Smith's Brewery with Like Like.
    Ha the phone thing. There must be one in Chester as last Christmas we was out making merry and some lads I was with were told to put...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave reacted to Stu's post in the thread Sam Smith's Brewery with Like Like.
    That's a proper interesting article. For some of it, particularly the last few paragraphs, I can understand why he is like he is. But...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave reacted to stubrewworx's post in the thread Sam Smith's Brewery with Like Like.
    Interesting article. I think the retiring at 80 rumour has been banded about (in his pubs) for some time. Would a man like that really...
  • Bitter_Dave
    Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Sam Smith's Brewery.
    Totally agree with you re. planning. Clearly a troubled man who seems to think we live (or should live) in the Victorian age. With...