I just finished them all. Fantasic array of beer guys so big thanks for this feast! There's one that stounds out, it's technically fantastic, even though I have some personal gripes with certain flavours and balance. The winner for me is No 2., the smoked porter! :beer1:
The rest are really...
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Lager Than Life
To keep your motivation high we are excited to announce that we've partnered again with the lovely folks from...
It was a pleasure. Really good beers again. I enjoyed and finished them all after judging (which doesn't happen often, there were a lot of drain pours over the last years judging).
Today I enjoyed @Leon103's Pilsner.
Awesome German Pilsner.
Interesting hop choice. I got a ton gooseberries both...
Scores are a bit varied, but I tried to score to style. If I had to select the best one it would be between @Leon103 and @dan125
But I really don't want to choose ;)
Ok, I'm done with my part :) Will be sending scoresheets to all indyvidually.
I judged them all to their indyvidual styles.
Great beers overall and I will be finishing them all with a pleasure. As always some small details make the difference.
Now, the hardest part is to keep off beer before the delivery ;) Finishing my work in 15 mins and it was a ****** week. That will be a big test of my will power :D
Actually I might have just one DIPA from either Northern Monk or Heretic to calibrate my palate ;)
Cool. Sounds good to me.
I will need about 1.5hr to do all of them including ranking. So I will try to start soon after the delivery to join the meeting later on