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      Wrh reacted to Sozzled Sab's post in the thread Infected brew with Like Like.
      Morrisons sell thin bleach, it costs next to nothing.
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      Wrh reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Infected brew with Like Like.
      Yes you can strip and clean. I think they need throwing, but for a different reason....they are terrible things and anything is better...
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      Wrh replied to the thread Infected brew.
      Thanks for your replies , I was hoping to not have to throw everything out I've been making wine from kits for 20 years with out any...
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      Wrh reacted to Clarence's post in the thread Infected brew with Like Like.
      A decent gamma source is even better.
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      Wrh reacted to Clarence's post in the thread Infected brew with Like Like.
      Pediococcus infection. Not dangerous in fact its a welcome gut bacterium. Part of the lactobacillus group. Strip everything down and...
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      Wrh reacted to Stu's post in the thread Infected brew with Like Like.
      As an aside, rather than bleach, I use Milton. When my kids were born, a friend of my parents was a travelling salesman for Milton. He...
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      Wrh reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Infected brew with Like Like.
      Steam is good. Strip everything down to components. Seals gaskets leave nothing undone. Bleach dose is 5ml to the litre. Soak. Rinse...
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      Wrh reacted to LeeH's post in the thread Infected brew with Like Like.
      Use chemsan as an insurance policy. I’ve not had 1 infection in 17 years of brewing.
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      Wrh reacted to RichardM's post in the thread Infected brew with Like Like.
      Replace the plastic buckets and bottling wand. Clean everything else with bleach.
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      I have got an infection in at least one brew I only noticed recently and I think I may have it in a few , it is like stringy gelatin in...
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      Wrh reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Dirty yeast with Like Like.
      ... And I have used another today. Almost 6 months old now. Beer tasted good, so in it went. Blimey it was lively. That was yesterday...
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      I can't have a review, cos I don't have any binoculars. Ridiculous state of affairs. I have a few bits to get rid of a braumeister...
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      Wrh reacted to Manitude's post in the thread BIAB guide for beginners. with Like Like.
      Hello everyone! :hat: Thought I'd drop by with a few photos and comments from my latest brew. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the...
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