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    • grandy
      grandy reacted to White Rose Al's post in the thread Second time around with Like Like.
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Second time around.
      Yes. I have some of that. Have sprinkled in with the yeast and the crushed tablet supplied. This has brewed really fast og was 1.040...
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to jof's post in the thread Farts with Like Like.
      You could just get some activated charcoal underpants😃
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to specmalt's post in the thread Farts with Like Like.
      For mine, having gone through a very quiet period of drinking nearly zero mixed ferment beers, my wife questioned what was going on...
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Farts.
      😂😂😂 I'll give the star brite a go and see what happens. Can't be any worse than the current effluence 😔
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Farts with Like Like.
      @grandy You could also consider beano's. They really do work and very quick. (BeanAssist in the UK)
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to soupdragon's post in the thread Farts with Like Like.
      I think I suffer from the same affliction as you. I started using Protosol from CML, sounds very similar to Star Brite. £9.60 for 250ml...
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Farts with Like Like.
      @IPA blimey that took some fining Ian (OK finding 😁)...
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Farts.
      • IMG_20240629_192605_217.jpg
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Farts.
      Thanks. Would be preferable if you could. I have finings for this second attempt. So maybe that will help
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Farts with Like Like.
      I will find a link to making super clear beer.
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Farts.
      So...I'm doomed unless I stop the sediments from going into my glass in the first place. Would a filter be a good idea? Or just jug it...
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Farts with Like Like.
      Absolutely it is. But the yeast (like during fermentation) had to have something to work on.
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Farts.
      Loved the 6x when I lived just down the road and it was fresh and beautifully clean. But honk honk honk for days. I didn't care much...
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to Sandimas's post in the thread Farts with Like Like.
      Funny you should say that, I used to reckon 6X was the best laxative available. Didn't happen with any other beer, just 6X, so have...
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