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    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread dlowe1992 brew-days..
      I had a spontaneous brew evening yesterday for no better reason than I felt like it! I dug out my 11L pan for a small stove top batch...
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 reacted to Clint's post in the thread 4 for 3 Tesco with Like Like.
      I just use a few spoons full in some hot water..I don't measure anything. There is some residue...soda ash I believe but it rinses off...
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread 4 for 3 Tesco.
      Perfect, that’s my exact process currently with chemclean, so I can do similar with this sort of stuff. Cheers 👍👍
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread 4 for 3 Tesco.
      Can this be used as a general purpose equipment cleaner? I’ve always used chemclean because I got a big tub of it in a job lot of stuff...
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 reacted to Clint's post in the thread 4 for 3 Tesco with Haha Haha.
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread Brew Fridge Temperature.
      No problem. All intended not as a 'this is how you should do it' but more a sense of what I could have done with knowing before...
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread Brew Fridge Temperature.
      I spent quite a while pondering this when setting mine up. Some people seem to control the 'ambient' temperature in the fridge. Problem...
    • dlowe1992
      My second hand ODL regulator has been in the wars. Both gauges need repairing / replacing. The cylinder gauge was broken when I got it...
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    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread dlowe1992 brew-days..
      Well yesterday was eventful. Firstly I top cropped from the golden ale I brewed on Sunday. This is second generation and WY1469 and my...
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    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread TT landlord.
      I've always found the bottled version to be slightly more bitter or harsher than the cask version. Always put it down to missing the...
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread March competition - freestyle.
      I'll have at least one to send, possibly two. Will get them on to you a bit later in the month.
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread dlowe1992 brew-days..
      Today I brewed as planned, the perfect day for it while sorting the shed out. A golden ale with Challenger for bittering and all...
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    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread dlowe1992 brew-days..
      About 24 hours after pitching and the starter has a healthy krausen very reminiscent of the initial fermentation. In two minds as to...
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    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread Water Softeners - any idea?.
      It’s certainly cheap. £1 per brew is fair economy to me! £2 a brew tops depending on what I’m shooting for.. Let you know how I go...
    • dlowe1992
      dlowe1992 replied to the thread Water Softeners - any idea?.
      That’s 20 odd litres of Spotless water picked up for the princely sun of of £1 or thereabouts. If nothing else it’s cheaper than...
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