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      .Peter. replied to the thread Numpty iSpindel set up.
      A VERY good tip athumb..
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      .Peter. reacted to hoppyscotty's post in the thread Stout popularity soars. with Like Like.
      Guiness is just a massive marketing machine and that is totally the secret of their success. They’ve been promoting many marketing...
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      .Peter. reacted to Laner's post in the thread Stainless steel beer barrels with Like Like.
      20ltr Oxebar can be stored upside down and still have a party tap fitted.. So without the diptube you would be able to serve wine with...
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      .Peter. reacted to stubrewworx's post in the thread Stu's brü's with Like Like.
      I can honestly say I do not have the mental capacity to retain all the variables that come with brewing. But that said, I keep my beers...
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      .Peter. reacted to fury_tea's post in the thread Stu's brü's with Like Like.
      "Painting by numbers" is a bit harsh I think. It's a tool that makes it much easier for beginners to build and replicate their recipes...
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      .Peter. replied to the thread Stu's brü's.
      Sorry not agree and if I might say a little condescending
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      .Peter. replied to the thread Stu's brü's.
      Maybe a 'number' of folk just enjoy the brewing day and are very happy with the end results - not everyone wants to be a brewing geek
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      .Peter. replied to the thread Stu's brü's.
      That's very interesting - thank you. Be interested to know your thoughts on Windsor for this and (eventually) how this turns out
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      .Peter. replied to the thread SO 4 issues.
      Always Notts or if 'fruity Verdant
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      .Peter. reacted to Clint's post in the thread SO 4 issues with Like Like.
      I tied 04 a few times but found Nottingham better for my UK beers.
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      .Peter. replied to the thread Aliexpress - Kegland Store.
      Kegland AliExpress and Kegland Australia are differnt companies i.e. was toid by Austrailia the Ali Express was not them when I complained
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