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      MikeW replied to the thread Numpty iSpindel set up.
      Thanks everyone, I tried the settings suggest by Soupdragon. As soon as I connected to the Ap/Webpage I had graph data from last night...
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      Please help. Have bought an Ispindel as an Xmas present, finally got it talking! Using Brewspy, am I correct in thinking that if I want...
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      MikeW replied to the thread Excess Trub.
      Hi Clint, please could you clarify the "For example for 23l... Iose 2.5 litres per kg of grain in your lose a litre per kg...
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      MikeW reacted to Clint's post in the thread Excess Trub with Like Like.
      I use a bazooka filter in the kettle. I leave my mash paddle in the kettle after whizzing it round during the chill,it's now sterilised...
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      MikeW reacted to Tanglefoot's post in the thread Excess Trub with Like Like.
      If you can cold crash your fermenter any trub will fall out into a nice pancake you can leave behind when you transfer.
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      MikeW reacted to jof's post in the thread Excess Trub with Like Like.
      Emptying the kettle via the tap will also require a bit of getting used to. It can be very slow because it gets blocked with trub/hop...
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      MikeW replied to the thread Excess Trub.
      Thanks everyone, FV now topped up and yeast pitched. I will worry about the trub when I syphon to batch prime. My error or one of many...
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      MikeW replied to the thread Excess Trub.
      Oh dear, am I learning the etiquette of this forum? Is posting "lager" like saying Voldemort. 🤭
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      MikeW reacted to Clint's post in the thread Excess Trub with Like Like.
      How many litres did you get to fv? The thing is the more you mess with it the more chance it could get infected. Everything that touches...
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      MikeW reacted to The Baron's post in the thread Excess Trub with Like Like.
      I try and leave as much trub behind as possible. Then you have the problem of too much trub if you tip it all in although it will not...
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      MikeW reacted to jof's post in the thread Excess Trub with Like Like.
      Like Clint says, in the first few runs it will be a lot of trial & error, so stick at it. If you ferment as is, you will still get...
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      MikeW replied to the thread Excess Trub.
      Thanks, appreciate your concern with the points raised. Sounds as if there is not a problem if I remove the excess trub.
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      MikeW replied to the thread Excess Trub.
      Yes it's all in the fermenter, which is in the fridge at 13c. I realise my volume error. The question is do I just top up to 23L or get...
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      I have just brewed my first all grain lager, very surprised about the amount of trub that has been generated. The pre-boil is coming out...
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      MikeW reacted to Rwilts's post in the thread Overnight mash temperature with Like Like.
      The taste profile you mention is due to the mash temp, not duration as it's the conversion of fermentable sugars. Higher mash temp =...
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