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    • clib
      clib reacted to Brewshed's post in the thread Harvey's Old Ale Recipe with Like Like.
      Like Bitter-Dave, I also once got some Harvey's yeast and used it on a bitter recipe I knew well. The resulting beer had a distinct...
    • clib
      clib reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread Simple Brewing with Like Like.
      Indeed. I had both of those at the time. I would roughly measure out the grains, know that it would probably ferment to somewhere...
    • clib
      clib replied to the thread Simple Brewing.
      Most of us have scales and a hydrometer. 😉
    • clib
      clib replied to the thread Simple Brewing.
      I put a simple AG post on here (in the how-to forum) about 9 years ago and I'm still doing pretty much the same thing. Brewing is a...
    • clib
      clib replied to the thread Stout popularity soars..
      Sam Smith's draught Extra Stout is better than Guinness in my opinion. But adding nitrogen to a beer is surely a cop out? A well...
    • clib
      clib reacted to Stu's Brews's post in the thread Stout popularity soars. with Like Like.
      Brewdog brought Black Heart to the market (or more accurately, rebranded and probably tweaked the recipe of their old Jet Black Heart)...
    • clib
      clib replied to the thread Wilko's Own Brand Cerveza..
      Thread resurrection. Now Wilko has gone, is The Muntons Premium Cerveza 1.5kg can the same kit, does anybody know. Muntons made the...
    • clib
      The Spoons in Bury is a fantastic old theatre, and Spoons sells Brightside beers often.
    • clib
      clib replied to the thread The Quest for the Perfect Bitter.
      Yes I think First Gold would be a good alternative to Cascade. Except I don't think the Manchester and London are produced now. And...
    • clib
      clib reacted to user 17085's post in the thread The Quest for the Perfect Bitter with Like Like.
      I think you won't reproduce any Bitter with the exact yeast, in a different FV. As for dry yeast, Lallemand Windsor, Nottingham...
    • clib
      clib reacted to dlowe1992's post in the thread The Quest for the Perfect Bitter with Like Like.
      +1 to that. It's there but not overpowering. I'd say it's at about the right level. Now I'm happy with the recipe I'll probably play...
    • clib
      clib replied to the thread Alpha Acid % and Hop Flavour.
      Too simple a question, if course, was just looking for some kind of feedback, and you exceeded my expectations. Many thanks. 👍🏻
    • clib
      clib reacted to Northern_Brewer's post in the thread Alpha Acid % and Hop Flavour with Like Like.
      Define "best" - a more cloudy August may give more of the earthiness that you expect from classic Fuggles, but personally I prefer a...
    • clib
      clib replied to the thread The Quest for the Perfect Bitter.
      It looks good to me. The yeast choice is key I think, you won't reproduce this beer with a dry yeast I reckon. I don't think I'm a...
    • clib
      Brightside do excellent cask ales, from their brewery in Radcliffe near Bury. I drink their beers often, but haven't come across B&P...
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