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    • klaus
      klaus replied to the thread Lidl.
      Aldi and Lidl are owned/run by some of the richest families in Germany! They know how to make money. Somewhere I saw a headline saying...
    • klaus
      klaus replied to the thread Reliable car brands 2023.
      Skoda ??? ok it's basically VW
    • klaus
      I keep my debit card limit to less than £40 - because that comes straight from the current account. Credit card is higher than that but...
    • klaus
      klaus replied to the thread Sam Smith's Brewery.
      Just listened to the podcast ... yep interesting. I have known a few people like that, not as bad as this case though. Normally i'd say...
    • klaus
      klaus reacted to Bitter_Dave's post in the thread Sam Smith's Brewery with Like Like.
      Interesting observations. I agree he is probably unlikely to allow major change to the brewery in his lifetime. But if the son could...
    • klaus
      klaus reacted to Sneedhearn's post in the thread Sam Smith's Brewery with Like Like.
      We don't have any Samuel Smith pubs here in NI as far as I'm aware, but I've always enjoyed the ones I've visited in London. That...
    • klaus
      klaus reacted to Stu's post in the thread Sam Smith's Brewery with Like Like.
      That's a proper interesting article. For some of it, particularly the last few paragraphs, I can understand why he is like he is. But...
    • klaus
      klaus replied to the thread We're number one.
      Will there be a stampede to get to Ft Wayne?
    • klaus
      klaus replied to the thread Food additives.
      What's this emulsifier doing in my food? The Food Programme: Interesting.
    • klaus
      klaus reacted to Appleton Brews's post in the thread Roundabouts with Like Like.
      Has anyone used the magic roundabout in Hemel Hempstead it’s a central roundabout with satellite roundabouts totally confusing. Might...
    • klaus
      The "B" word has been erased from the dictionary - don't mention the "B" - it's all done and dusted.
    • klaus
      klaus replied to the thread Self-service checkouts.
      Well, we got 2 Lidls, one with self-checkout and 3 Aldis, all with self-checkout - I love Lidl/Aldi for shopping - I'm biased of course.
    • klaus
      klaus replied to the thread Self-service checkouts.
      Love them .... over the years I have learned how to avoid most issues that tend to hold you up, i.e. waiting for a "colleague" to sort...
    • klaus
      klaus replied to the thread Snow.
      22:00 Rain on and off, windy 11 degrees C !
    • klaus
      klaus reacted to An Ankoù's post in the thread My first brew with Like Like.
      Welcome: Congratulations on getting this far. I'll give some comments and they'll all sound critical, but no intention to put you off...
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