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    • Wynne
      What beer do you like drinking? Go for a style that you enjoy. I tried the Greg Hughes Patersbier and found it a bit lacking in...
    • Wynne
      Wynne replied to the thread Dispensing from 5L mini kegs.
      Like @Aleteamairways I started off with 5 litre mini-kegs and a Party Star tap. I have some rubber bungs with pressure valves in them...
    • Wynne
      Wynne replied to the thread BREW2BOTTLE.
      I’ve just bought 10 x 11g packets of short-dated (best before May 2025) Fernentis Saflager W-34/70 for £27:50 including shipping. Gareth...
    • Wynne
      @Clint, when brewing with malt extract you don’t need to treat the water apart from removing chlorine or (if, used) chloramine with a...
    • Wynne
      Wynne replied to the thread Gelatin question.
      I agree with @MashBag - it does depend on the cause of the lack of clarity. Does the beer taste good? Does the haze go away if the beer...
    • Wynne
      Wynne replied to the thread Belgomalt malts.
      -5c in 45 too.
    • Wynne
      Wynne reacted to jambop's post in the thread Belgomalt malts with Like Like.
      I have asked Rolling for an expected extract figure, surely not that difficult to get from their suppliers. I have been on the Soufflet...
    • Wynne
      Thank you @Mash Monster - it is very helpful to learn from your experience.
    • Wynne
      @Mash Monster how do you use your Hop Rocket? Do you recirculate hot wort through it or is it a single pass during transfer before...
    • Wynne
      Wynne replied to the thread Corny kegs.
      I use 38L cornies as fermenters and transfer into 19L cornies and 5L stainless steel mini-kegs for dispense. I usually pressure ferment...
    • Wynne
      Wynne replied to the thread Adnams dual strain yeast.
      The brewery where I brew uses 50/50 US05/Nottingham in some of its beers.
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