After dry January...

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Jul 27, 2020
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St Albans, Herts
I never planned to do dry January this year, and I've never done it before! It's just that my sister-in-law mentioned she was doing it and it just kind-of happened.
I've always taken the opinion that it's a good idea to cut back a bit after indulging a bit more than usual over Christmas, but I couldn't see the point of punishing myself by abstaining completely - surely that was just masochism. Nonetheless I suppose I like to think of myself as being a complete control freak quite self-controlled, so once I'd started I was darned well going to finish.
I don't know if anyone else has tried it, but it shocked me a bit how hard the first couple of weeks were. I mean, I'm not exactly a big drinker: I've got about as good a head for alcohol as Mother Theresa, and I usually only drink at the w/e anyhow unless we go out. But suddenly I'd find myself happening to wander over to the fridge with thoughts of a glass of something cold and alcoholic. Hmmm. (Fortunately one of my friends gave me some good advice: every time that happens, just drink a pint of cold water - it really does work).
The other thing I noticed, like it or not, was that I was sleeping a lot better and waking up feeling a lot more refreshed. That, too was a case of 'Hmmm'.

Nonetheless one thing was for sure: I was going to demolish that first pint, on the first day of Feb!

But I didn't. To my consternation, I didn't really want to. To be fair there was a lot of other stuff going on at that time, but somehow during the second couple of weeks that habit of sitting down, getting the crossword and reaching for a glass of wine or beer had just changed. It was a bit disconcerting to be honest, and left me slightly wondering whether there'd be an impact on my social life. I cross-checked with my sister-in-law. She said she'd had a similar experience the first time she'd "done" dry Jan: it had slightly changed her relationship with alcohol.

Anyhow, I certainly do still drink! But now I tend to drink a lot slower, and really enjoy what I'm drinking. So when I'm going to the pub now I'll have a pint, but then more often or not I just feel happy with that, and I'll switch to halves - and somehow that doesn't seem to matter. It's really strange!

Just interested whether anyone else has had a similar experience...?
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I did it October once and like you at first found it really difficult, especially giving up a Gin n Tonic, had to find 0% ones (just not the same). But come November had to have a beer, perhaps it’s the dark nights but I didn’t not want a beer afterwards.
I did it October once and like you at first found it really difficult, especially giving up a Gin n Tonic, had to find 0% ones (just not the same). But come November had to have a beer, perhaps it’s the dark nights but I didn’t not want a beer afterwards.
Maybe I just need more practice 🤣
I got tricked into dry January this year, my exercise group took on a no refined sugar for a month challenge. I was at the front of stirring everyone up because the only refined sugar I come across is in brown sauce. Then the no alcohol bombshell dropped.
I have compared the experience to running the marathon. I didn’t find it particularly challenging or enjoyable, and I’ll only do either of them once in my life. The upsides were the sleep improvement (even small amounts of alcohol trash your ability to enter deep and REM sleep) and the weight loss (about 3kg for me, which meant I could do sets of 3 pull ups and 8 dips bodyweight).
It’s still easier not to drink post-dry January, but when I do, I’m still as good as it as I used to be!
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Well, wait to see how you get on in a marathon first🤣
The only marathon i will ever go near is a *Snickers ;)

*For our younger members -

I breezed through 6 weeks or so of no beer...
Did I feel better?
No! I work shifts which,coupled with a sh1tshow employer, is increasingly difficult. I'm 56,had a full/complex hip replacement at 46 and have sacroiliac joint issues. Sleep is something I've not managed in any great success for as long as I can remember. If I was a horse I'd have been shot by now.
I'm resigned to the fact I'm here for a good time not a long I shall,generally, do what I like when I like.
I don't drink beer on work rota to have days off and on beer days I no longer drink lots.
I've not brewed since probably last October maybe but hope to soon.
Will I do "dry whatever" again?
Only if I get lost in the Sahara desert.
The upsides were the sleep improvement (even small amounts of alcohol trash your ability to enter deep and REM sleep) and the weight loss (about 3kg for me, which meant I could do sets of 3 pull ups and 8 dips bodyweight).
It’s still easier not to drink post-dry January, but when I do, I’m still as good as it as I used to be!
The sleep thing caught me by surprise. One of my friends, who wears a smart watch all the time, said it’s really clear that when he has even a small amount to drink in the evening, he can see his heart rate is elevated for the first part of the night. Presumably his liver/kidneys (?) working hard to clean up his bloodstream…
Not sure I could have done it without Guinness 0% !!
I’ve heard good reports of that - also Erdinger 0%. Don’t get me wrong, I DO still enjoy a beer! I just find I’m drinking halves a bit more often… I was expecting to get some stick for it from my friends, but they all know I’m a total lightweight anyhow 😂

Actually one upside to drinking halves is that I’m less averse to having somewhat stronger beers - ones I wouldn’t generally want a full pint of - and really enjoying them!
The sleep thing caught me by surprise. One of my friends, who wears a smart watch all the time, said it’s really clear that when he has even a small amount to drink in the evening, he can see his heart rate is elevated for the first part of the night. Presumably his liver/kidneys (?) working hard to clean up his bloodstream…

My numbers on my smart watch are all over the place when i've had a drink too, usually it's because of the wife kicking me because of my snoring!
I got tricked into dry January this year, my exercise group took on a no refined sugar for a month challenge. I was at the front of stirring everyone up because the only refined sugar I come across is in brown sauce. Then the no alcohol bombshell dropped.
I have compared the experience to running the marathon. I didn’t find it particularly challenging or enjoyable, and I’ll only do either of them once in my life. The upsides were the sleep improvement (even small amounts of alcohol trash your ability to enter deep and REM sleep) and the weight loss (about 3kg for me, which meant I could do sets of 3 pull ups and 8 dips bodyweight).
It’s still easier not to drink post-dry January, but when I do, I’m still as good as it as I used to be!
Alcohol has major effect on the body. Sleep is one of the biggest effects for me. I wear a sports watch which I use for running but it also tracks sleep. For example I had a bottle of red wine last night, My watch pinged this morning to say I had poor sleep and that I should use today as a recovery day. Basically don't exercise. If I run the day after drinking My heart rate is a lot higher as well.
The problem is I really enjoy having a beer and socialising. So I try and get a balance, at the minute it's a pint for every mile I run 😄
The sleep thing caught me by surprise. One of my friends, who wears a smart watch all the time, said it’s really clear that when he has even a small amount to drink in the evening, he can see his heart rate is elevated for the first part of the night. Presumably his liver/kidneys (?) working hard to clean up his bloodstream…
Only seeing this after posting
The sleep thing caught me by surprise. One of my friends, who wears a smart watch all the time, said it’s really clear that when he has even a small amount to drink in the evening, he can see his heart rate is elevated for the first part of the night. Presumably his liver/kidneys (?) working hard to clean up his bloodstream…
I think it’s a central effect of alcohol on the brain. The heart rate thing is a symptom of parasympathetic dysfunction, what’s more insightful is heart rate variability which also takes a major hit.
The liver and kidneys are both mindless work horses, they don’t really care about what’s coming their way, they just keep their heads down and get **** done. Occasionally, you can break one or other by throwing too much their way. So all things in moderation 🍻🍻