Hi Troops, new member here

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Jul 4, 2010
Reaction score
Dunfermline, Fife
Hi, I've tried 'homebrewing' before with the 'brewzer kit' I thought I had just done something wrong the 1st,2nd and 3rd time then I relaised it was the biggest load of shecht ever and the beer was like drinking rat urine. that was about 2 years ago and I decided just to keep buying from the shops as it was easier.
been thinking about getting back into it for a while and went and bought the coopers starter kit on ebay which comes with bottles and fermenting bin etc and been watching alot of 'craig tube' on youtube and he seems to use the same kit and it looks not bad.
waiting on the kit being delivered so thought I'd register on here before I encounter any problems.
if anyone has got any suggestions on what to do/ or not to do then please let me know as I'm a complete novice, I've bought the lager and draught tins.

Mark :drink:
Welcome to the forums, Mark.

First thing is to find somewhere cool to brew the larger, about 15C I think (not a larger drinker myself). Largers really don't brew so well at higher temperatures.

Next get something to drink for the next few months. Generally kits will tell you its ready to drink in 'cough' weeks, in reality its more likely to be 2/3 months. You can drink it sooner but it'll generally taste somewhere between ditch water that's been urinated in by a hobo with a bad meths habit and Skol. :grin:

Can & kilo kits still seem to produce weak tasting brews, so look for the two can versions (no added sugar required).

Good luck with the next brew.
Nice to meet you Mark!
There are great people in here who can answer just about anything, pop in with a question and people will be literally beating each other off to answer you first!

Welcome to the forum
The main thing is to make sure everything is sterile before you make up the kit
Use vwp or something similar :thumb:
bah I drink from the fermenter lovely!

I do, but some beers are born to be drunk green, otherwise a month is a good time to wait for a normal beer and two or more for really strong beers

As for the lager no idea never brewed one, if it has lager yeast then you need to cool ferment, chances are it will be an ale yeast so 18c is the prime temp for fermentation leave it 10 days and bottle, oh and aerate like mad, then areate some more before pitching

oh and welcome to the forum

ask loads of questions we all did some say there is no such thing as a silly question... oh there is, it is the one you didn't ask that ruined your brew. :shock:

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